Assignment-week-2- Bootcamp responisveness

The web application is a website consisiting of a navbar with three links to navigate the websites content. There are screenshots to further illustrate the readme [snapshots]

These links are as follows:

  • About:- This is also the homepage of the website
  • Portfolio:- This is the second link and contains a grid of some of the projects I have done since I started this course. The view project buttons under the thumbnails will open the projects in a new tab.
  • Contact:- The contact page contains a form to contact me. Using the Jquery framework the form will alert you if you haven't filled in any information. the submit button doesn't actually send the message as that wasn't the assignment.

I used various bootstrap classes to ensure responsiveness in the html coding. Semantic tags are used in everything except the div between the nav links because it is just a line and there was no tag that was appropriate

I used multiple css files to add additional styling details to each html file(index, portfolio,contact). Although I could of used a single css for all the pages I felt it was easier than adding an id to every element I wanted to edit. The navbar is a fixed-top and the footer used is sticky. the responsiveness is good. (shown in detail in snapshots) All html files were validated using the site: [] I tried the footer bonus but I sisn't attempt to make sub-rows and sub-columns on the portfolio site. The deployed Url: []