
Example application using RTSP on android, with a gradle build system

Primary LanguageC

Android GStreamer sample player application

Download and extract the universal GStreamer Android binaries to a directory of your choice.


Edit gradle.properties in order to set gstAndroidRoot to point to the unpacked GStreamer Android binaries.

Build and deploy on the command line

To build and deploy the rtsp example to your device, use a command similar to:

$ PATH=~/dev/android/tools/bin:~/dev/android/ndk-bundle:$PATH ANDROID_HOME="$HOME/dev/android/" ./gradlew installDebug

Run the application on the device

$ adb shell am start -n org.freedesktop.gstreamer.rtsp_example/.RTSPExample

To see the GStreamer logs at runtime:

$ adb logcat | egrep '(gst)'

Build and run from Android Studio

Launch Android-studio, opening this folder as a project.

The project should build automatically, once it has done successfully, it should be possible to run the project with Run > Run 'app', provided a device is attached and USB debugging enabled.

The logs can be seen in the logcat tab.