
weird Haskell strategy game for the Liberated Pixel Cup in 2012

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

Indirect Assassin

What was that? Did I just assassinate that guy? No, that can't be... I don't kill. Must have been his own fault.

You're a dodgy assassin (though you don't call yourself that) who never directly kills people, but who's ok with indirectly doing so. In fact, you're more than ok with it; it's your job.

Under your secret identity as "The Agent", you do jobs where the task is to eliminate professors in dungeons. You care deeply about your contractor's wish for silence regarding these jobs, so you don't know why these dungeon-examining professors must die. And you're always surprised when they do, because you never killed one...


See the file AUTHORS.md


See the file COPYRIGHT.md


See the file CHANGELOG.md


See the file BUGS.md


This is version 0.1.0 of Indirect Assassin.


Indirect Assassin is written in Haskell. Run stack install.

How to play

Step 0: Start it

To start the game, just run:


from a terminal. However, this will only let you play on the built-in dungeon maps. To specify custom maps, run:

indirectassassin map_0 map_1 ... map_n

Custom maps will be prepended to the list of built-in maps.

Indirect Assassin does not have a menu (programming a menu is boring, and using the command-line is easier (this is, by the way, completely objective)).

At this time, the resolution is hardcoded at 768x576, i.e. 12x9 64x64 tiles, and fullscreen is not possible. This is mainly due to slacking on the author's part.

Step 1: Play

The gameplay of Indirect Assassin is simple, but it does require learning several rules and items, as well as the memorisation of a few keys on your keyboard. On the plus side (again, completely objective), your mouse (if you have any) is useless in this game.

Genre-wise, Indirect Assassin is probably closest to stealth games; it's a turn-based stealth game.

Indirect Assassin consists of maps; there are a few built-in ones, and it's easy to create your own.


You, The Agent, can see in the dark through the use of your high-tech sunglasses, but the professors cannot see that you can see in the dark. Your vision is limited to a few tiles forward, and not backward or to any sides. Professors use flashlights to see in the dark. They too can only see a few tiles ahead and not backwards or to the sides. You can see the light from their flashlights. If you get covered in light so much that a professor can see you, he kills you instantly, and you lose. You can see the light one tile before the professor with the light source can see you, which might give you time to escape it.

The tiles which are not visible due to either your night vision or the professors' flashlights, are completely black, unless you have entered cheat mode (aka debug mode) where all tiles are visible to you (but still not to the professors).

When you start the game, you play on the first map from the list of maps. At any time you can shift to another map (since the game is turn-based, you can actually have games on many maps at the same time). You can also play the same map at the same time across several frames.

When you win or lose on a map, you receive a message on the screen stating your win/lose state. Accepting that state lets you play on that map again.

How to win

If you manage to kill (indirectly, of course) all the professors on a map, you win. To indirectly kill a professor, you must pick up dangerous items and place them so that the professors stumble upon them, and remove good items, so that professors don't stumble over them. There are several types of items, and they affect the professors in different ways. To pick up an item, just enter its tile.

An important part of playing on any map is thus to figure out how many professors exist and which items are available. Unless the cheat mode is used, this process requires luck.


There are 8 items, each with its own item key:

  • Barrels: A
  • Buckets: U
  • Yellow bat: E
  • Green bee: R
  • Diamond: I
  • Tomato: O
  • Ice shield: C
  • Toilet: L

The game reminds you which items you currently possess by printing a string of item keys.


Some items are good for the professors, some are bad. None of them affect you when you just carry them.

If a professor enters a tile with...

  • barrels (A), he will walk towards other professors.
  • buckets (U), he drinks water and figures out how to extend his flashlight light distance two tiles more for 6 turns.
  • a yellow bat (E), he becomes a zombie soldier for 4 turns.
  • a green bee (R), he dies instantly.
  • a diamond (I), he becomes rich and chooses the opposite direction of what he would normally choose when he hits a wall (if he moves at all).
  • a tomato (O), he turns into a normal (not zombie) soldier for 7 turns.
  • an ice shield (C), he becomes unable to pick up new items for 3 turns, and instead destroys them instantly when touching them.
  • a toilet (L), he doesn't move for 10 turns.

If a professor is a normal soldier, he will be able to sense your presence and move towards you. Such a soldier is not very smart, so a wall is enough to stop him; he will not try to walk a different route.

If a professor is a zombie soldier, he will kill not only you, but also other professors (if he sees them). Zombie professors cannot kill them themselves.

Fortunately, most professors move around in the dungeon. If no professors move on a map, you cannot win on that map, as you cannot make them pick up items. Zombifying a professor is the only way to kill non-moving professors.

These rules are not perfectly clear. The code determines the correct interpretation (see Logic.hs).


Indirect Assassin comes with HOWMANY built-in maps. All maps are files in a simple textual format. The included maps can be found in datainstallationdir/maps/ (or, if you downloaded the tarball, in data/maps/).

How to create your own maps

It might be useful to look at the built-in maps for inspiration for creating your own maps.

A small map might look like this:

A Small Map
#!O #
#  x#

! down
x up turn-down

If you save this map as, say "mymap", you can play it by running

indirectassassin mymap

Here # = wall, ! = The Agent, O = a toilet, and x = a professor. The lines after the double-line specifies data about The Agent and the professors on the map. These lines must be present. The word after the first space describes which direction the person should point when the game begins. The subsequent words describe which items the person should start with. The 'turn-down' item is a special item which makes professors walk, and turn right (or left, if they have an unequal number of diamonds) when they hit a wall.

There are currently four special items (future versions of this game are likely to contain more): turn-up, turn-left, turn-down, and turn-right. If no such special item is given to a professor, the professor does not move. The Agent has no use for these special items and will ignore them if given to him.

  • A map file consists of a title, then a newline, then a map, then two newlines, then line-separated extra data about the map's professors and agent. This implies that the map may not contain two newlines after each other.
  • To place a piece of a wall in a map, use a '#'.
  • To place an item in a map, use its key in uppercase.
  • To place The Agent, use an '!'.
  • To place a professor, use a symbol which is not in the string '#!AUERIOCL'.
  • The directions must be lowercased.
  • An item is either turn- or

Maps need not be square and simple; here is a larger example:

######  ####
#0    ##   1#
##     O   #
 #### E   #
   #  !  #
   #  R  #

0 right turn-right
1 left turn-left
! left E R

Keys to remember

  • Move if possible: arrow key
  • Rotate to look in : Shift+ arrow key
  • Toggle cheat mode: Control+X
  • Accept message: Enter
  • Go to next map: Control+Right arrow key
  • Go to previous map: Control+Left arrow key
  • Play current map in a next, different frame: Control+Up arrow key
  • Play current map in a previous, different frame: Control+Up arrow key
  • Drop item in front of you: [Item key]
  • Pass turn: p
  • Exit game: ESCAPE

Liberated Pixel Cup

Indirect Assassin is an entry in the Liberated Pixel Cup 2012, a free software and free culture contest. See http://lpc.opengameart.org/ for more information.

This document

To the extent possible under law, Niels G. W. Serup has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this document; see the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 document for more information.