
what(): Variable index out of bounds. - with 510 variables and clauses

ErwinHaasnoot opened this issue · 3 comments


Thanks again for making this tool avaiable. I've been having a lot of fun playing around with it. It works great normally, but I've hit a (hopefully interesting) snag.

You mention in the that:

Known issues

    PolyBoRi cannot handle ring of sizes over approx 1 million (1048574). Do not run bosphorus on instances with over a million variables.

I seem to have found an instance where I get a PBoriError at 510 variables, with as many clauses. I have been able to successfully run bosphorus on ANF's with many more variables, so this seems like an issue worth reporting. The full output I'm getting is as follows:

c Bosphorus SHA revision dbf61ae96a7a18bdf7547835ddf955d34ec8f211
c Executed with command line: /usr/local/bin/bosphorus --anfread /dat/polybori_error.txt
c Compilation env CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER = /usr/bin/c++ | CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS =  -Wall -Wextra -Wunused -pedantic -Wsign-compare -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wtype-limits -Wuninitialized -Wno-deprecated -Wstrict-aliasing -Wpointer-arith -mtune=native -Wall -Wextra -Wunused -Wsign-compare -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wtype-limits -Wuninitialized -Wno-deprecated -Wstrict-aliasing -Wpointer-arith -Wpointer-arith -Wformat-nonliteral -Winit-self -Wparentheses -Wunreachable-code -ggdb3 | COMPILE_DEFINES =  | STATICCOMPILE = ON | ONLY_SIMPLE =  | Boost_FOUND = 1 | STATS =  | SQLITE3_FOUND =  | ZLIB_FOUND = TRUE | VALGRIND_FOUND =  | ENABLE_TESTING =  | M4RI_FOUND = TRUE | SLOW_DEBUG =  | ENABLE_ASSERTIONS = ON | PYTHON_EXECUTABLE =  | PYTHON_LIBRARY =  | PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS =  | MY_TARGETS =  | LARGEMEM =  | LIMITMEM =  | compilation date time = Apr 25 2020 12:34:11
c --- Configuration --
c maxTime = 1.00e+20
c XL simp (deg = 1; s = 30.00+4.00): 1
c EL simp (s = 30.00): 1
c SAT simp (10000:100000): 1
 using 1 threads
c Cut num: 5
c Brickenstein cutoff: 10
c --------------------
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'polybori::PBoRiError'
  what():  Variable index out of bounds.

Please find the .anf in the attachment (renamed to .txt, because github does not allow uploads otherwise)

For context, this is an ANF of the first 32-bit Mersenne Twister state transform on the seed bits (x(0)..x(31), with a myriad of help-variables sprinkled in. I'm not 100% sure yet whether it is an actual representation of the mersenne twister, but in any case it should be a valid ANF

I hope you will be able to look at this! If you need any further information, please do let me know.



FYI: I am running Bosphorus from the docker container built on the latest commit that you so kindly made after my previous bug report: dd9654a

msoos commented

Ah, you have a bug in your ANF. I will think about how to warn about this. Your line is:

x(372) * x(27) + x(373) * x(23) + x(374) * x(20) + x(28) * x(30) + x(15) + x(375) * x(28) + x(20) + x(21) + x(23) + x(24) + x(25) + x(28) + x(29) + x(31) + x(376) * x(19) + x(377) * x(374) + x(378) * x(379) + x(375) * x(30) + x(380) * x(22) + x(376) * x(381) + x(379) * x(14) + x(382) * x(22) + x(377) * x(20) + x(372) * x(383) + x(384) * x(385) + x(382) * x(380) + x(386) * x(23) + x(373) * x(386) + x(378) * x(14) + x(24) * x(384) + x(27) * x(383) + x(381) * x(19) + x(24) * x(385)x(34) + x(3) + x(1)

Spot the error :D The issue is x(24) * x(385)x(34), you are missing a * between the two x-s. I'll try to catch this kind of thing next time :)
