- 0
#105 opened by bubach - 1
Crop Image from point
#104 opened by iantearle - 11
Source Maps for CSS and JS
#44 opened by aronduby - 6
Font encoding
#91 opened by Crecket - 0
Upgrade version of tubalmartin/cssmin
#103 opened by tubalmartin - 0
- 1
parsing URL inside file
#101 opened by blue-eyed-devil - 3
- 2
CSS Relative paths wrongly converted
#98 opened by rauwebieten - 3
API site is down
#94 opened by ArturGrigio - 3
Need to refresh twice in order for it for work
#90 opened by waiylkarim - 9
- 0
If not use URL Rewrite, only run supported files through Munee when fixing relative paths in CSS Files
#88 opened by meenie - 4
Concatenating Text Assets Not Functioning
#85 opened by CelticParser - 7
GIF Support
#82 opened by tmblog - 1
- 5
loadding website too long
#78 opened by jksbill - 2
Bad Value for SRC
#77 opened by tmblog - 10
SCSS compilation not working
#74 opened by t-prod - 1
Dependency has issue with PHP < 5.3.9.
#76 opened by jeremyxeq - 1
How to manually run files through Munee
#75 opened by arpadHegedus - 10
Image not resized?
#55 opened by rbnvrw - 20
- 0
Agressively replacing subdirectory in filename.
#73 opened by Langmans - 16
@import and minification
#59 opened by webbird - 1
Comments in minified CSS/LESS
#51 opened by a2d - 2
import compass module not working
#40 opened by plastic - 2
Page Speed and JS Compression
#39 opened by WilliamVercken - 1
Javascript Minify : problem with comments
#38 opened by WilliamVercken - 2
checkReferer not working for images from cache
#36 opened by bezumkin - 1
- 2
Strange behavior encoding error
#48 opened by kbariotis - 2
- 2
File not found
#43 opened by fbetil - 1
- 5
attribute selectors and extend bug
#46 opened by aronduby - 2
Protected call errors - Fixed
#62 opened by vita10gy - 8
#61 opened by webbird - 5
Is Munee still maintained?
#57 opened by webbird - 4
extension not handled?
#58 opened by tmblog - 5
Less compiler outdated
#37 opened by jvdh - 7
How can I add JS obfuscation?
#25 opened by dfb243fda - 3
- 2
- 2
- 6
- 10
Image Issue with Wordpress.
#32 opened by archergod - 4
Q: Can munee work on php 5.2?
#28 opened by Cipa - 1
Minify CSS generated by SCSS
#30 opened by imuslim - 1
Parse PHP Variables to CSS and JS
#22 opened by nikmauro