
This project is for users to be able to communicate their current status of a counter strike/dota game to others via an express server that receives postcalls from the game-state-integration features recently implemented by valve. This is meant for people to communicate to the rest of their family whetther or not they are in a game, and approximately how long it will take to finish.

Features include:

  • percentage complete
  • time spent in game
  • current round
  • request button (request to not start another game/come upstairs)
  • plays whip noise on won round and fart noise on lost round


Run npm install
Put the file gamestate_integration_consolesample.cfg in X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg\gamestate_integration_consolesample.cfg
Run node server.js
Go to localhost:3000 or ip of host port 3000