Paper Puppets

A lab report by Meera Nanda

In this Report

You'll need to describe your design, include a video of your paper display in operation, and upload any code you wrote to make it move.

Part A. Actuating DC motors

Link to a video of your virbation motor
Vibration Motor Video

Part B. Actuating Servo motors

Part 1. Connect the Servo to your breadboard\

Below is an image of the Servo motor wired to the breadboard. Servo

a. Which color wires correspond to power, ground and signal?
Red - Power
Orange - Control wire (signal line)
Brown - Ground

Part 2. Connect the Servo to your Arduino

a. Which Arduino pin should the signal line of the servo be attached to?
The signal line should be connected to pin 9 on the Arduino.

b. What aspects of the Servo code control angle or speed?
The pos variable shown below controls the angle of the motor. The delay function changes the time between rotations from one position to the next.

for (pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1) { 

Servo Sweep Video

Part C. Integrating input and output

Include a photo/movie of your raw circuit in action.
Below is a photo and a video of the Servo motor being controlled by a potentiometer: Servo and Potentiometer

Potentiometer with Servo Video

Potentiometer with Servo Code

Part D. Paper puppet

a. Make a video of your proto puppet.
Proto Puppet Video

Part E. Make it your own

a. Make a video of your final design.
My new paper puppet is an origami apple with a worm that comes out when the sun is up. I used a photoresistor to control the Servo motor, and when the light was brighter, the worm rose higher.

Early Worm Video
Early Worm Code

Early Worm