
A script written in Golang to help detect and humanize text flagged as AI generated content.

Primary LanguageGo



Binary Installation

  • Windows:

    • Step 1: Download the pre-built binaries from here.
    • Step 2: Rename it to recycleMe.exe
    • Step 3: Add binary to your PATH environment variable.
    • Step 4: Run recycleMe yourPlainTextFile.md from the command line.
  • Linux:

    • Step 1: Download the pre-built binaries from here
    • Step 2: Run chmod 777 recycleMe-x86_64_linux to make the binary executable.
    • Step 2: Run ./recycleMe-x86_64_linux yourPlainTextFile.md from the command line.

Building From Source

  • Step 1: Clone the repository and change directory to the cloned repository.
git clone https://github.com/meeranh/recycleMe.git
cd recycleMe
  • Step 2: Install dependencies and build the binary
go mod tidy
go build main.go


  • Content writers save a lot of time by using NLP tools such as ChatGPT, but if they are expected to produce non-AI flagged content, they will have to spend a considerable amount of time rephrasing their content.
  • The purpose of this tool is to simplify this exact process by taking in a plain text file and returning a rephrased version of the content all in the command line.
  • Also, this was my first Golang project, so I wanted to build something simple and useful.