
This project is a clone of the Urban Company website. We have named it as Urban Service. This is a collaborative project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. fp02_065 - Vikas Subhash Pawar
  2. fp03_310 - Rajesh Byagalwar
  3. fw20_0267 - Vikram Kumar
  4. fw20_0701 - Satyam Kumar
  5. fw20_0059 - Sahil Khan

IA Manager - Sanjaykumar Verma

Check the live site here

External dependencies used in the project are ---

  1. Chakra UI
  2. better-react-carousel
  3. firebase
  4. framer-motion
  5. razorpay
  6. react-icons
  7. react-modern-drawer
  8. react-phone-input-2
  9. react-places-autocomplete
  10. react-razorpay
  11. styled-components
  12. sweetalert

Here are some snapshots of the live site ---