
Minimal assertion testing framework for APIs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Minimal assertion testing framework for APIs

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~ ❯❯❯ npm install @meeshkanml/freddo --save-dev


const { freddo, expr, exists } = require('@meeshkanml/freddo');

(async () => {
  const isSvg = str => str.trim().startsWith('<svg ')
    <svg width="120.5" height="20" viewBox="0 0 1205 200" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  await freddo('https://badgen.net/packagephobia/install/sha-regex')
    .header('content-type', 'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8')

(async () => {
  await freddo('https://blockchain.info/latestblock')
    .body(exists, expr('.hash'))
    .body(exists, expr('.time'))
    .body(([time]) => {
      const DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
      return {
          result: time > Date.now()/1000 - DAY,
          error: 'Most recent blockchain block is unrealistically old'
    }, expr('.time'))
    .body(exists, expr('.block_index'))
    .body(([blockHeight]) => {
      return {
        result: blockHeight >= 500000,
        error: 'Block height of blockchain tip is insufficient'
    }, expr('.height'))
    .body(exists, expr('.txIndexes'))

(async () => {
    HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
  await freddo('https://httpstat.us/301')

Example uses with testing frameworks

import * as test from 'ava'
import m from '.'
import { freddo, expr, exists } from '@meeshkanml/freddo'
import micro from 'micro'
import testListen from 'test-listen'
import validator from 'validator'

let url
test.before(async () => {
  url = await testListen(micro(m))

test('/ip/json', async t => {
  t.is(await freddo(url)
    .header('content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
    .body(exists, expr('.ip')), true)
import { freddo, expr, exists } from '@meeshkanml/freddo'
import validator from 'validator'
import assert from 'assert'

describe('/ip/json', function() {
  it('should serve a JSON response', async function() {
    assert.strict.ok(await freddo("https://locate.now.sh/ip/json/")
      .header('content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
      .body(exists, expr('.ip')))


freddo(url[, options])

Returns a Promise for a modified got request object.


Type: string | object

The URL to request, as a string, a https.request options object, or a WHATWG URL. (Adapted from got's documentation)


Type: object

Any of the https.request options. (Adapted from got's documentation)


Compares equality of status-code with expected, and returns a boolean.


Type: number | function

freddo.header(entity, expected)

Compares equality of entity header with expected, and returns a boolean.


Type: string

e.g. content-type, content-length, origin, etc.


Type: string | number | function

freddo.body(expected[, expression])

Compares equality of body with expected, and returns a boolean.


Type: string | function


Type: Expression object

Note: When an expression is given, an array containing the matched values is returned. Therefore, in this case, an expected parameter function should treat its argument as an array and destructure it accordingly (e.g. ([x]) => x == 'bar').


Checks whether status code contains a redirection code (i.e. 301, 302, 303, 307, or 308) and whether there exists a location header entity containing url.


Type: string

freddo.expect(key, expected)

Compares equality of response.key (where response is got's response object) with expected, and returns a boolean.

Note: freddo.ensure('body', expected) is the same as freddo.body(expected) (and the same applies for freddo.status).


Type: string

Any of got's response object keys.


Type: string | function


Asserts the boolean response of the preceding functions.


Returns an Expression object that can be passed as an expression parameter to the freddo.body function (see above) so as to find a value matching the pattern.


Type: JSPath path expression


Returns a function that can be passed as an expected parameter to the freddo.body function to check whether a pattern match is found.


Thanks for wanting to contribute! We will soon have a contributing page detailing how to contribute. Meanwhile, feel free to star this repository, open issues, and ask for more features and support.

Please note that this project is governed by the Meeshkan Community Code of Conduct. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


MIT © Meeshkan