
Example of using Unmock with Unmock orb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unmock orb example


Example repository using unmock for tests and Unmock orb for test reports.

This is a Node.js application running an Express server and using React for server-side rendering. The application displays a list of your GitHub repositories (that's you, the developer).


Running the application locally

  1. Create a new personal GitHub access token with read access to your repositories
  2. Set the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN in .env file (see .env.example for an example)
  3. Install dependencies: yarn (or npm i)
  4. Run the development server with hot reloading: yarn dev
  5. Navigate to localhost:3000
  6. To build the app and run in production mode: yarn build && yarn start

Running tests

Run tests:

$ yarn test

Running tests does not require creating a GitHub access token: they use Unmock to mock calls to the GitHub API!

See the orb in action

Take a look at PR #1. The orb publishes Unmock test report and sends a link to the report for inspection.


If you notice an error or you'd like to add something new to this example, please open an issue. We really appreciate the feedback and support!

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