Reverse engineering kahoot.it
This has similar functionality to the code here https://github.com/unixpickle/kahoot-hack but is more portable as it is written in Java. The tools here contain more functionality. One of the primary goals here is to build a command line text based client for Kahoot.
There is a bug with team mode that causes the program to answer twice, but the program will still work with it. Only the first set of answers for a question will be accepted. I am working on fixing this bug.
Working as of November 20, 2016
This program uses the Gradle build system. Dependencies are managed by Gradle. Open a terminal/cmd window and navigate to the kahoot-hack folder.
To build on *nix like systems: ./gradlew build
To build on Windows: gradlew build
The build shouldn't take more than a few minutes on the first run. The final built jar can be found in the build/libs folder. The built jar is portable, meaning you can copy it to any spot on your computer (or on any computer) and run it from there.
You can run the built jar from a terminal/cmd window: java -jar kahoot-hack.jar
Or: java -jar build/libs/kahoot-hack.jar
There are 2 scripts you can use to automatically build and run the Kahoot hack.
*nix based systems: ./run
Windows: run
You are welcome to contribute by submitting a pull request or opening an issue on this repository. Any issues or PRs that are trolls will simply be closed.