All great men had simple beginnings.A library of all the resources that will help programmers when stuck or beginning something new.
Get started with anything you want to with the help of the reources we pooled in here.You are Welcome!
The Missing Semester of Your CS Education - MIT
Learn Python the Hard Way
Head-First Python
React Quickly
30 days of python
sentdex python tutorial
Best website for beginner in CP
Algorithms for CP
C++ Full course - Data Structures and Algo -> Timeline for above course
codeforces contests
How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers
A practical guide to learning front end development for beginners
A Beginner's Guide to Front-End Development
Top 50 articles for learning javascript
Getting prepared in Web-dev skills for Hackathon
Find great javascript course at egghead
The modern javascript tutorial
Javascript 30
The Odin Project
Traversy Media
Web Dev Simplified
MIT Open Courseware
Node JS Tutorial for Beginners
Flask Documentation
Django Documentation
Node JS Documentation
Flask for Beginners
What-And-Why about Django
Best Resources for Django
Django For beginners- 3hours Tutorial
Step-wise Django for beginners
Node JS Tutorial for Beginners - Net Ninja
Web Programming with Flask - Intro to Computer Science - Harvard's CS50 (2018)
CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
Django Girls Tutorial
Flutter crash course to begin with
Flutter designing practices
Flutter state management with bloc from scratch
The boring flutter channel
For examples:
The flutter way
Flutter Example apps
Flutter Documentation
Flutter API
These are courses provided by google and are free on Udacity.
Android Basics: User Interface
Android Basics: User Input
Android Basics: Multiscreen Apps
Android Basics: Networking
Android Basics: Data Storage
Android Developer Fundamentals
Machine Learning Mastery
Towards Data Science
ML Glossary
Kaggle(for datasets and competitions)
Mathematics for Machine Learning(Coursera specialisation)
Andrew NG(Coursera)
Deep Learning(Coursera Specialisation) NLP specialization course
coursera reinforcement learning course deep reinforcement learning
coursera gans specialization Ian goodfellow 2016- NIPS tutorial comprehensive guide and resources for gans
StatQuest with Josh Starmer(best for understanding maths behind the algos)
Krish Naik
Java Tutorial For Beginners (Step by Step tutorial)
Dapp University Blockchain bootcamp of consensys
The ultimate figma course
The ultimate sketch course
Get started with open source with the links provided below:
Contributing to Kubernetes
Good-first-issues in kubernetes
Kubernetes sig meeting calendar
OpensShift repos
Kubernetes & OpenShift meetup India
Fedora CoreOS
Contributing to Fedora
Good first issues
These are repos that have various resources for multiple programming languages.
Awesome Awesomeness - Get resources for all programming languages and get to know about vim, Linux resources, style-guides, Serverless Security, Internet of Things (IoT), DevOps, Design Patterns and more. The list is endless, go check out the repo.
Awesome Learning Resources - If you want to get resources on Twilio, TensorFlow, TypeScript, Machine learning, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, and more. This repository will help you.
Algo Wiki - This is like a Wikipedia repo for nearly all programming languages such as c++, python, Javascript, Rust, PHP, Java, and more. You can also get algorithms, machine learning, competitive programming, and more.
Front-end checklist - This repository has is a checklist for steps you should take before you launch your website. It includes resources to check your website performance, accessibility, SEO, and more.
Free for devs - You will get amazing resources to help you build websites from the ground up. Examples: Tools for Teams and Collaboration, CI and CD, Testing, Security and PKI, Management System, and more.
Front-end resources - This amazing repo has amazing CSS resources, platforms to learning code, youtube channels you should follow, blogs to follow, and VsCode extension to install to make your life easier.
List - A great repository for learning web development on a deeper level. It has a wide list of resources of front-end developer interviews, companies you can easily apply to, BEM resources, ES6 learning resources, Blockchain & cryptocurrency resources, and more.
Following are the links to get started with machine learning:
Building a machine learning model from scratch
A tour of machine learning algorithms
Machine learning projects for beginners\
A quick review of the linear algebra concepts relevant to machine learning.
Statistical concepts for machine learning\
Probability and Statistics
Andrew Ng's machine learning course on coursera
freecodecamp's courses for machine learning\
- Algorithmic Trading Strategies
- Artificial Intelligence for Trading
- MIT Open Courseware - Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance
- Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Finance Specialization
- Machin Learning for Trading
- Model a Quantitative Trading Strategy in R
- Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems, + Website: A Trader's Journey From Data Mining to Monte Carlo Simulation to Live Trading (Wiley Trading)
- Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems
- Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data
- Quantitative Investing: Strategies to exploit stock market anomalies for all investors
Please open a PR and do follow the pattern similar to what's currently there. PR should include the link and a short note describing what the link contains or is about.
Do contribute if you find a well written article, a good tutorial, playlist or anything similar that could help devs.
All the team members of DSC-NIT Surat have contributed to this amazing idea.
Cheers to all!