
Everything I use to get a new project off the ground. Includes complete tooling using Gulp (SCSS, Autoprefixer, JS, img minification & auto refreshing wifi accessible server) and my go-to frameworks (BS3 + jQuery + Modernizr)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  • HTML5 templated index.htm
  • Latest stable releases wired in (using Bower): Twitter Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Modernizr
  • Gulp setup with the following setup:
    • SCSS compiling using libsass (including autoprefixer)
    • Javascript minification and ready-to-enable concat
    • Image optimisation using imagemin
    • Auto-refreshing dev server using gulp-connect
    • OS-level notification of errors & config so that the watcher continues running
  • Gitignore file setup for NodeJS, Python, and Webstorm


  1. Check you have the required dependencies: Node ≥ v0.10 & npm ≥ 2.1.5 node -v && npm -v
  2. Clone the project git clone https://github.com/meetbryce/frontend-boilerplate.git
  3. Install NodeJS dependencies npm install -d


  1. Compile files, start watching files, and start dev server npm start
  2. Open the dev server in your brower localhost:8080 also available on the network using ComputerName.local:8080


meetbryce/frontend-boilerplate is released under the MIT license.

Would love to know if you've found my repo useful via twitter - @meetbryce

Recommended External Tools (work in progress)

  • TotalTerminal (free) - allows you to access your terminal with a shortcut
  • TotalFinder ($9) - allows you to access your finder with a shortcut, gives you a shortcut to reveal dotfiles, and have folders always appear at the top in list view
  • ClipboardHistory ($4.99) - keeps a history of your clipboard with an easy to use interface and a shortcut for converting rich text to plain text
  • Sublime Text 3 (free beta) - used ST for 3 years or more and love it.
  • Jetbrains Webstorm ($49) - fully-fledged IDE, I've only been using it for about a week but I'm really liking it already.

Future Plans

Below is a rough outline of things I want to integrate or consider integrating into this repo.

  • npm-shrinkwrap rather than clunky nvm
  • ESLint/JSCS config file rather than just managing this in Webstorm
  • Browserify to better manage JS concatenation and dependencies. Would require removing Bower.
  • AngularJS, already have my boilerplate for this but still investigating ReactJS (mostly because Google isn't dogfooding Angular)
  • Testing framework
  • Support for Alex in the Gulp workflow