- You will need the Now CLI to run this project. (Refer: https://zeit.co/download)
- Currently the API supports GET, PUT, POST, DELETE methods on
. - With the help of these 4 endpoints, CRUD operations can be performed on any given Mongodb database collection.
- The REST API, is protected with Basic Authentication (HTTP header where 'username:password' is encoded in base64.)
- Secrets must be added to the secrets & env variables before starting off. (Refer: https://zeit.co/docs/v2/build-step#adding-secrets).
- The HTTP header auth username & password is matched to the username and password provided in the secrets.
To get started you will need
- MongoDB connection uri to connect to your database.
- username and password (pre-defined in the secrets). This is used to authenticate all incoming API requests.
Install the dependencies yarn
Add the secrets
- mongodb_uri
- username
- password
Running locally: now dev
- Any changes inside the /src folder will rebuild the serverless functions.
For production deployment, run: now
GET: Returns all the documents for any given collection
curl --request GET \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/index \ --header 'authorization: Basic base64-encoded-username:password' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "collectionName": "comments" }'
PUT: Updates a document for any given collection, based on the filter object (query)
curl --request PUT \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/index \ --header 'authorization: Basic base64-encoded-username:password' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "collectionName": "users", "filter": { "contact": "1234567890" }, "document": { "firstName": "Salva", "lastName: "Marquina", "city": "Madrid", "contact": "987654321" } }'
POST: Inserts a document in any given collection
curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/index \ --header 'authorization: Basic base64-encoded-username:password' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "collectionName": "comments", "document": { "creator": "331123454", "name": "Sergio", "comment": "This is a random comment" } }'
DELETE: Deletes a document in any given collection based on filter object (query)
curl --request DELETE \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/index \ --header 'authorization: Basic base64-encoded-username:password' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "collectionName": "users", "filter": { "firstName": "Salva" } }'
Since I've been using Zeit for frontend deployments, I wanted an equally faster way to setup database CRUD operations with a predefined Mongodb database. (Get a free Mongodb cluster here: https://www.mongodb.com/download-center/cloud)
Personally, I didn't want to create models / services / controllers / serverless API endpoints based on the database model everytime I start a new project. This setup should be ideal for a minimum viable product or a proof of concept.
Therefore, this solution is a secure, quicker and scalable way of managing and deploying database functions with Zeit.