
PyTorch code for "FactPEGASUS: Factuality-Aware Pre-training and Fine-tuning for Abstractive Summarization" (NAACL 2022)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

FactPEGASUS: Factuality-Aware Pre-training and Fine-tuning for Abstractive Summarization (NAACL 2022)

This repository contains PyTorch code and pre-trained models for FactPEGASUS.

Intallation and Dependencies

  • Python 3.8
  • PyTorch 1.10.2
  • datasets 2.0.0
  • transformers 4.17.0
  • deepspeed 0.6.4
  • nltk 3.7
  • rouge_score 0.0.4



The prepared dataset can be downloaded here

Dataset can be loaded with datasets.load_from_disk(dir), containing three Dataset object: train,validation, and test. Each Dataset contains [document, document_ents,summary,summary_ents].

To create the dataset on your own:

  1. Create DatasetDict from the original dataset
python scripts/create_dataset.py [xsum,gigaword,xsum]

For Wikihow, please download the dataset from https://ucsb.app.box.com/s/ap23l8gafpezf4tq3wapr6u8241zz358 and save the file under <path/to/folder>/wikihowAll.csv, according the the official instruction. You may need to modify line 7 of the script to point to the right file.

  1. Use SpaCy to extract entities and depency parse information
python scripts/run_spacy.py xsum
  1. Run corrector
python scripts/corrector.py --data_dir data/xsum_tokens --save_dir data/xsum_comb --correction_type [all,remove,replace]

Note that for gigaword --lowercase is needed to avoid we captialize the sentences.



deepspeed --master_port=$PORT --include=localhost:$GPU_IDX src/main.py --fp16 \
--deepspeed src/ds_config.json \
--data_dir data/xsum_comb --do_finetune \
--do_train --model_name models/factpegasus \
--evaluation_strategy no \
--per_device_train_batch_size 32 --per_device_eval_batch_size 8 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
--learning_rate 3e-05 --weight_decay 0.01 --label_smoothing 0.1 \
--max_source_length 512 --max_target_length 64 \
--logging_step 500 --max_steps 15000 \
--warmup_steps 500 --save_steps 1500 \
--output_dir factpegasus_ft_xsum_comb \
--contrastive_learning --pertubation_type intrinsic --num_negatives 5 --contrastive_weight 5

This should work without deepspeed as well by removing the deepspeed commands and arguments and the --deepspeed argument.


Pretrained model can be downloaded here


We show how to create 1000 training data with realnewslike, but this can be also applied to the full C4 dataset.

  1. Run scripts/pretraining_create_data.py. This will create the data that contains the top 5 sentences according to ROUGE-1.
  2. Run FactCC for each example. Note that the prediction from FactCC is actually reverse (0 is for factual and 1 for non-factual). We account that in our script. We provide a dummy prediction file under scripts/factcc_dummy.json
  3. Combine the scores and create the pre-training data with scripts/pretraining_combine_scores.py


# effective batch size should be 256


deepspeed --include=localhost:"$GPU_IDX" src/main.py --fp16 \
--data_dir data/c4_rouge1_factcc \
--do_train --do_pretrain --model_name facebook/bart-base \
--deepspeed src/ds_config.json \
--per_device_train_batch_size 64 --gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
--learning_rate 1e-4 --weight_decay 0.01 \
--logging_step 100  --max_steps 750000 \
--warmup_steps 20000 --save_steps 5000 \
--max_source_length 512 --max_target_length 256 \
--output_dir factpegasus --pretrain_model_type bart_base --tokenize_on_fly


The code is primarily adapted from the summarization example from transformers and PEGASUS. We also borrowed code FactCC, and info-nce-pytorch.


      title={FactPEGASUS: Factuality-Aware Pre-training and Fine-tuning for Abstractive Summarization}, 
      author={Wan, David and Bansal, Mohit},
      booktitle={NAACL 2022},