
Sales Force Commerce Cloud - Store Locator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sales Force Commerce Cloud - Store Locator Cartridge - Interactive Install

This document provides technical instructions for installing and using Store Locator Cartridge, which enables store locator features for Sales Force Commerce Cloud.

It also demonstrates a new approach for SFCC cartridges to be installed interactively. The goal is to extend this methodology to make cartridge installs easier across SFCC.

By no means are the features exhaustive. As we continue to find time and others join in we can easily extend the application.

A variety of tools and API's have also been included in order to make extension easier in the future such as JSON stored results, preferences which can be stored as custom objects and managed by the client in Business Manager, custom styles as well as methods for fetching data based on custom values.


Developers using the Store Locator Cartridge can access and extend the following features:

  1. Search Stores by distance using Google's geocode API
  2. Calculate Distance in KM or MI between search point and returned stores
  3. Multiple Stores pinned on map
  4. Clustered Map
  5. JSON page which is queryable via URL params


Follow the prompts in your terminal.


Business Manager

Navigate to the following path "Sites > Manage Sites > <Merchant Site> - Settings"

Add the cartridge name store_locator (or the custom name you gave it during the install process) to the Cartridges path.

The cartridge has to be added after the app controller cartridge, since we need the newly defined methods to supersede the default Stores.js controller methods.

Additional Developer Notes

JSON URL yoursite-path/Stores-FindStoresJson

URL Params to customize fetched data

2 Character country code to search dwfrm_storelocator_countryCode=AU&

Distance Unit (avialable options are km and mi) dwfrm_storelocator_distanceUnit=mi

Postal Code (this is also extendable to a readable address as well instead of just postal code) dwfrm_storelocator_postalCode=4225

Calculate Max Distance (uses dwfrm_storelocator_distanceUnit) dwfrm_storelocator_maxdistance=15

Styling the Map

A helper script is included in


The goal here is to add additional styles to switch through. One style ny is currently provided.

Additional maps can be style here and the style object can be added.

A easy tool to help with map styling is SnazzyMaps https://snazzymaps.com/explore

You can add a custom pin to your map by adding a path to the image to the customicon global variable found in store_locator/cartridge/js/pages/storelocator.js.

Example JSON response

// 20171111091633
// Stores-FindStoresJson?dwfrm_storelocator_countryCode=AU&dwfrm_storelocator_distanceUnit=mi&dwfrm_storelocator_findbyzip=Search&dwfrm_storelocator_postalCode=4225&dwfrm_storelocator_maxdistance=15

  "StoresCount": "5",
  "type": "findbyzip",
  "searchKey": "4225",
  "formatted_address": "Coolangatta QLD 4225, Australia",
  "location_lat": "-28.164389",
  "location_lng": "153.5127518",
  "stores": [
      "storeid": "1470",
      "storelat": "-28.159802",
      "storelon": "153.50951",
      "storename": "Surf Dive n Ski",
      "storephone": "07 5599 3048",
      "addressa": "T05, T1 Gold Coast International Airport, 248 Coolangatta Rd",
      "addressb": "null",
      "city": "Gold Coast",
      "stateCode": "QLD",
      "postalCode": "4225"
      "storeid": "1001",
      "storelat": "-28.167149",
      "storelon": "153.520493",
      "storename": "Kirra Surf",
      "storephone": "07 5536 3922",
      "addressa": "8 Creek Street, Kirra",
      "addressb": "null",
      "city": "Kirra",
      "stateCode": "QLD",
      "postalCode": "4225"
      "storeid": "1225",
      "storelat": "-28.133",
      "storelon": "153.45",
      "storename": "Surf Dive n Ski",
      "storephone": "07 5525 7738",
      "addressa": "Shop 5, The Pines Shopping Centre, cnr KP McGrath Dr and Guineas Creek Rd",
      "addressb": "null",
      "city": "The Pines",
      "stateCode": "QLD",
      "postalCode": "4221"
      "storeid": "1216",
      "storelat": "-28.097473",
      "storelon": "153.440921",
      "storename": "Surf Dive n Ski",
      "storephone": "07 5576 2499",
      "addressa": "Shop 74, Stockland Burleigh, 149 West Burleigh Rd",
      "addressb": "null",
      "city": "Burleigh Heads",
      "stateCode": "QLD",
      "postalCode": "4220"
      "storeid": "1050",
      "storelat": "-28.057763",
      "storelon": "153.436136",
      "storename": "Local Knowledge",
      "storephone": "07 5526 6377",
      "addressa": "2251 Gold Coast Highway, Nobbys Beach",
      "addressb": "null",
      "city": "Nobbys",
      "stateCode": "QLD",
      "postalCode": "4218"
  "style": "[{\"featureType\":\"all\",\"elementType\":\"labels.text.fill\",\"stylers\":[{\"saturation\":36},{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":40}]},{\"featureType\":\"all\",\"elementType\":\"labels.text.stroke\",\"stylers\":[{\"visibility\":\"on\"},{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":16}]},{\"featureType\":\"all\",\"elementType\":\"labels.icon\",\"stylers\":[{\"visibility\":\"off\"}]},{\"featureType\":\"administrative\",\"elementType\":\"geometry.fill\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":20}]},{\"featureType\":\"administrative\",\"elementType\":\"geometry.stroke\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":17},{\"weight\":1.2}]},{\"featureType\":\"landscape\",\"elementType\":\"geometry\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":20}]},{\"featureType\":\"poi\",\"elementType\":\"geometry\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":21}]},{\"featureType\":\"road.highway\",\"elementType\":\"geometry.fill\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":17}]},{\"featureType\":\"road.highway\",\"elementType\":\"geometry.stroke\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":29},{\"weight\":0.2}]},{\"featureType\":\"road.arterial\",\"elementType\":\"geometry\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":18}]},{\"featureType\":\"road.local\",\"elementType\":\"geometry\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":16}]},{\"featureType\":\"transit\",\"elementType\":\"geometry\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":19}]},{\"featureType\":\"water\",\"elementType\":\"geometry\",\"stylers\":[{\"color\":\"#000000\"},{\"lightness\":17}]}]"


On initial load of the store locator page we are querying the SystemObjectMgr and loading all of the stores for a given country using the following method

SystemObjectMgr.querySystemObjects('Store', 'countryCode = {0}', 'countryCode desc', searchKey);

On search we are using the StoreMgr class to fetch data falling within a certain distance (distance is returned using lat lng which is returned using the response from https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json

dw.catalog.StoreMgr.searchStoresByCoordinates(location_lat,location_lng,'km', formgroup.maxdistance.value)

Additional methods available to the StoreMgr class are:

static getAllStoreGroups() : Collection

Returns all the store groups of the current site.

static getStore(storeID : String) : Store

Returns the store object with the specified id or null if store with this id does not exist in the site.

static getStoreGroup(storeGroupID : String) : StoreGroup

Returns the store group with the specified id or null if the store group with this id does not exist in the current site.

static searchStoresByCoordinates(latitude : Number, longitude : Number, distanceUnit : String, maxDistance : Number, queryString : String, args : Object...) : LinkedHashMap

Search for stores based on geo-coordinates.

static searchStoresByCoordinates(latitude : Number, longitude : Number, distanceUnit : String, maxDistance : Number) : LinkedHashMap

Convenience method.

static searchStoresByPostalCode(countryCode : String, postalCode : String, distanceUnit : String, maxDistance : Number, queryString : String, args : Object...) : LinkedHashMap

Search for stores by country/postal code and optionally by additional filter criteria.

static searchStoresByPostalCode(countryCode : String, postalCode : String, distanceUnit : String, maxDistance : Number) : LinkedHashMap

Convenience method.

Exposed Web Methods

exports.Find = guard.ensure(['get'], find);

exports.FindStores = guard.ensure(['get'], findStores);

exports.FindStoresJson = guard.ensure(['get'], getstoreJson);

exports.Details = guard.ensure(['get'], details);