Parking Lot

Parking lot is a simple program to solve the parking lot allocation problem.

Installation Guide

Pre Requirements-

  • Python >= 3.7

Unzip the source code

Go to parking_lot

cd parking_lot

Run unittest cases to check functional test


To execute the code and input from file-

./bin/parking_lot <input_file_path.txt>

To excecute the code and considering the input from command line-


Sample of command line available inputs

- create_parking_lot 6
- park KA-01-HH-1234 White
- park KA-01-HH-9999 White
- park KA-01-BB-0001 Black
- park KA-01-HH-7777 Red
- park KA-01-HH-2701 Blue
- park KA-01-HH-3141 Black
- leave 4
- status
- park KA-01-P-333 White
- park DL-12-AA-9999 White
- registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour White
- slot_numbers_for_cars_with_colour White
- slot_number_for_registration_number KA-01-HH-3141
- slot_number_for_registration_number MH-04-AY-1111