
Boilerplate for Terra blockchain smart contract

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repo contains boilerplate contracts for terra blockchain. Contract simply say you gm followed by your name. This repo also includes scripts to upload, instantiate & interact with contract.


  1. Rust and Cargo (v1.51.0+)
  2. Docker
  3. NodeJs


npm install

Building the Contract

This will check for any preliminary errors before optimizing.

cargo wasm

Optimizing your build:

cargo run-script optimize

This will result in an optimized build of artifacts/terra_boilerplate.wasm or artifacts/terra_boilerplate-aarch64.wasm in your working directory.


You an run unit test for contract via below command:

cargo unit-test

Contract Deployment

Upload & Instantiate Contract code:

npm run upload

Expected Output:

Uploading contract code...
Upload finished!
Transaction: https://finder.terra.money/testnet/tx/2D2BB6BC07AE660DB4F0B00E217893486583E6E5A3D2B7490FD487BB665B0B6C

Code ID: 31074

Initiating contract with CodeID 31074...
Contract Initiated successfully!
Transaction: https://finder.terra.money/testnet/tx/F417E778D43B016CA6CA0937737F9D3ED06F147BFB62A969076EF672B65EDCEB

Contract Address:  terra1ej0wfpdym4gf0ql80lj3jam2xg4wnrnh8vgcny

Query Message:

npm run query

Expected Output:

Message: gm terra!

Update Name (MsgExecute):

npm run update --name=lunatics

Expected Output:

Changing user name...
Name changes successfully!
Transaction: https://finder.terra.money/testnet/tx/2DD2E6966290CACF275354573FE26CF067DDDB7CCC1F3C17715E24B62490637C

New Message:

npm run query

Expected Output:

Message: gm lunatics!