
Leiningen plugin for jetty with jndi datasource support

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A leiningen plugin that launches a jetty servlet container with support for jndi datasources.


This project should be using in conjunction with leiningen-war.

First, include the following dev-dependencies in your project.clj:

:dev-dependencies [[com.mefesto/lein-jetty "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]
                   [uk.org.alienscience/leiningen-war "0.0.12"]
                   [postgresql/postgresql "8.4-702.jdbc4"]]

Substitute the postgresql dependency for which ever database you're using.

Next, configure some of lein-jetty's options in your project.clj:

:jetty {:context-path "/testapp"
        :datasource {:name "jdbc/DefaultDS" ; be sure this is in your web.xml
                     :driver-class-name "org.postgresql.Driver"
                     :url "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/testapp"
                     :username "testapp"
                     :password "testapp"}}

Declare your datasource in your web.xml file:


Now, assuming your web project is setup according to leiningen-war docs you should be able to launch jetty:

$ lein jetty

For better or worse jsp support is included. :-\


Expand this to support other jndi resources such as:

  • env-entry
  • resource-ref
  • resource-env-ref
  • others?


Copyright (C) 2010 Allen Johnson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.