
PHP devbox with Vagrant and Chef

Primary LanguagePuppet


A PHP devbox made with Vagrant and Puppet for super fast local developments.

This is mostly just for playfully learn Vagrant. Feel free to do anything with it!

Perfect for symfony2 or simple PHP projects.

How to start

  1. Install Vagrant.
  2. Clone this repository: git clone git@github.com:mefiblogger/php-devbox.git
  3. Add a precise64 box called php-devbox: vagrant box add php-devbox http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box
  4. In the php-devbox folder, run: vagrant up
  5. Be patient! It takes some time on the first start.
  6. Meanwhile, add php-devbox.localhost to your hosts file.
  7. Open your browser: http://php-devbox.localhost/ or

What's in the box?

The most important things:

  • Apache
  • MySQL (server and client)
  • PHP (5.3.10) with XDebug
  • Composer
  • mefiblog repo for start

... and a lots more.