
Simple Command Line Options management library.

Primary LanguageScala


Simple Command Line Options management library.


This is just an initial checkin of the code. In the CLOptions object there is a "def main" with some examples.

Why another Scala Command Line Option parsing library?

There are two things I wanted:

First, the notion of "sub-options" which become enabled and are displayed as part of 'help' when the "parent-option" is set.

Secondly, rather than have the main routing "understand" all of the options that all components of the system might need, I wanted a library where each component could contribute its own options to the command line option set. Most, command line option libraries assume that (forces) the "def main" route to know all. This works for small projects but not for large or mutli-developer projects.

Hence, this library.

Some of the ideas initially came from looking at Scala's/PaulP's library in scala.tools.cmd but have morphed and the DSL aspects removed.

Currently supports:

        -flag  : Some help message ...
    -debug 4
        -debug <level:Int=0> : Some help message...
        -P<file name:String=Outfile> : Some help message...


Get KeyValue option working

Create a Formatting Context for both help and error
    this would unify the display or help and error messages.

    Extends the Scala/PaulP FromString code

Create better documentation

Create some examples