
A fun and friendly server waifu / Discord bot!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A fun and friendly server waifu / Discord bot!


Mirai will look for a .env file. This file should contain the TOKEN like so.

# Replace TOKEN with your actual bot token
TOKEN=token here
OWNERS=your id, if selfhosting

If for some reason, you don't like using the .env file Mirai will also accept the environment variable TOKEN being set.

Self hosting

If you wish to self host Mirai, make sure that the TOKEN environment variable is set (as mentioned above) then run npm start. Mirai will first compile its code from ES6/Babel to Node and then start running.

Invite Mirai to your own server

If you don't wish to self host Mirai, you can find an invite link below to an instance of the bot hosted by me. Keep in mind, that many features of the bot are limited and the bot is not 24/7 atm.


Enviroment Variables

Variable Description Required
TOKEN Discord bot token. Yes
PREFIX Global prefix, is m! by default. No
PUBLIC_VERSION Optional version displayed in info command. No
SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID SoundCloud client ID, required for playing SoundCloud music. Get from network inspector when browsing SoundCloud signed in. No