My aesthetic and minimal i3 + Debian rice
are used in place of symbolic links
since git rejects symbolic links, so a temporary bind mount is created with --bind
- Window Manager: i3wm (non gaps)
- Wallpaper: nitrogen + random anime girl wp
- Keyring: gnome-keyring-daemon + seahorse
- Browser: firefox-esr
- Games: steam + multimc + Proton GE
- Terminal: xfce4-terminal
Theme used is Horizon Bold along with the City Lights icon theme with an edit made to make the background darker.
"workbench.colorTheme": "Horizon Bold",
"workbench.iconTheme": "city-lights-icons-vsc",
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
// Use a darker background
"editor.background": "#16161C",
"editorPane.background": "#16161C",
"contrastBorder": "#16161C"