
A Scala port of https://github.com/Kimtaro/ve/tree/master/java

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


A Scala port of Ve by Kim Ahlström. A linguistic framework for anyone. No degree required.


First, add the following dependency:

libraryDependencies += "com.megafarad" % "ve-scala-core" % "0.2.1"

Then, pick a parser and use it.

For Japanese:

import com.megafarad.ve_scala.japanese.KuromojiIpadic

val sentence = "お寿司が食べたい。"
val parser = new KuromojiIpadic(sentence)

parser.words.foreach {
  word => println(word.word + " -> " + word.partOfSpeech)
お -> Prefix
寿司 -> Noun
が -> Postposition
食べたい -> Verb
。 -> Symbol 

For English:

import com.megafarad.ve_scala.english.StanfordNLPEn

val sentence = "I want to eat sushi."
val parser = new StanfordNLPEn(sentence)

parser.words.foreach {
  word => println(word.word + " -> " + word.partOfSpeech)

I -> Pronoun
want -> Verb
to -> Preposition
eat -> Verb
sushi -> Noun
. -> Punctuation