
Redis-similar Cache with REST protocol in Golang

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Redis-similar Cache with REST protocol in Golang


  • Expiration support (Ttl - time to live)
  • Pure Go implementation
  • Thread safe
  • REST protocol
  • Auth support
  • Client scalability (multiple servers share the key space)
  • Go client library

Example of usage


    // Create new cache
	cache := gcache.NewCache()

	// Set value with ttl (time to live)
	cache.Set("key", "value", 1 * time.Second)

	// Get value from the cache
	value, err := cache.Get("key")
	// Get ttl
    ttl, err := cache.Ttl("key")
	// Delete key from the cache
	err := cache.Del("key")

	// Update key with a new value
	cache.Update("key", "value")

	// Update key with a new value and tll
	cache.UpdateWithTll("key", "value", 3 * time.Second)
	// Get all keys
	keys := cache.Keys()
	// Get number of items in the cache
	count := cache.Count()


    // Create new cache
	cache := gcache.NewCache()
	// Left push
	cache.LPush("key", "value")
    // Right push                       
	cache.RPush("key", "value")    
	// Left pop
	value, err := cache.LPop("key")
    // Right pop                           
    value, err := cache.RPop("key")   
    // Range
    values, err := cache.LRange("key", 2, 10)    


    // Create new cache
	cache := gcache.NewCache()

	// Add/Update hash valuy
	cache.HSet("key", "hashKey", "some hash value")  
	// Get hash value
	value, err := cache.HGet("key", "hashKey") 


The server might be run with or without authentication

 // Run the server without authentication
 server := server.NewServer()
 // Run the server with authentication support. 
 // Password should be passed into the NewServerWithAuth function
 server := server.NewServerWithAuth("pass")


  • Keys, List and Hashed share the same keys space. Therefore it's forbidden to create the same key for e.g. Keys and Lists
  • Arrays for LRANGE and KEYS are returned as csv (encoding/csv package). Json is not used to make the protocol simple
  • Before running the client_test.go execute the server.sh script in the ./cmd/gcache folder. The script runs two cache servers on ports 8080 and 8081. The 8081 server is run with authentication psw=123


The server exposes a REST protocol. Authentication is optional and is implemented as Authorization header with password as a value. If the authentication is failed a standard 401 status is returned in response.

Get key

Http method: GET
Url: /keys?key={key}


key - key to get - string - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok Body is the value
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
404 Not Found
500 Server error

Set key

Http method: POST
Url: /keys?key={key}&value={value}&ttl={ttl}


key - key to get - string - required
value - value to set - string - required
ttl - time to live in seconds - int - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
500 Server error

Update key

Http method: PATCH
Url: /keys?key={key}&value={value}&ttl={ttl}


key - key to get - string - required
value - value to set - string - required
ttl - time to live in seconds - int - optional


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
404 Not Found
500 Server error

Delete key

Http method: DELETE
Url: /keys?key={key}


key - key to get - string - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
404 Not Found
500 Server error

List of keys

Http method: GET
Url: /keys
Internally implemented as a linked list


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok Body is the csv list of keys
401 Auth failed
500 Server error

Left Push data to list (LPUSH)

Http method: POST
Url: /lists?op=lpush&key={key}&value={value}


key - key list name - string - required
value - value to push into the list - string - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
500 Server error

Right Push data to list (RPUSH)

Http method: POST
Url: /lists?op=rpush&key={key}&value={value}


key - key list name - string - required
value - value to push into the list - string - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
500 Server error

Left Pop data from list (LPOP)

Http method: POST
Url: /lists?op=lpop&key={key}
Pop removes element from the list therefore Http POST is used


key - key list name - string - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok Body is the poped value
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
404 Not Found
500 Server error

Right Pop data from list (RPOP)

Http method: POST
Url: /lists?op=rpop&key={key}
Pop removes element from the list therefore Http POST is used


key - key list name - string - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok Body is the poped value
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
404 Not Found
500 Server error

Range data from list (LRANGE)

Http method: GET
Url: /lists?op=range&key={key}&from={from}&to={to}

Out of range indexes will not produce an error. If start is larger than the end of the list, an empty list is returned. If stop is larger than the actual end of the list, Redis will treat it like the last element of the list.

Note that if you have a list of numbers from 0 to 100, LRANGE list 0 10 will return 11 elements, that is, the rightmost item is included.


key - key list name - string - required
from - from index in range - int - required
to - to index in range - int - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok Body is the cvs list of values
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
404 Not Found
500 Server error

Get field of hash (HGET)

Http method: GET
Url: /hashes/key={key}&hashKey={hasKey}


key - key hash name - string - required
hashKey - hash key field - string - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok
400 Bad Request Including when the key in hash is not found
401 Auth failed
404 Not Found
500 Server error

Set field of hash (HSET)

Http method: POST
Url: /hashes/key={key}&hashKey={hasKey}&value={value}


key - key list name - string - required
hashKey - hash key field - string - required
value - hash value field - string - required


Status Code Meaning Notes
200 Ok
400 Bad Request
401 Auth failed
500 Server error


func BenchmarkCache_SetGet(b *testing.B) {

	cache := NewCache()

	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {

		key := "key" + strconv.Itoa(n)

		cache.Set(key, "val", 1 * time.Second)
		_, err := cache.Get(key)

		if (err != nil){
			b.Error("Failed to GET", key)

BenchmarkCache_SetGet-4 | 1000000 | 2032 ns/op


  • Multiple set and get support on hashes
  • Optimize number of locks since as for now when a new key is inserted the whole cache is blocked
  • Return in response a reason what exactly is not valid on BadRequest(400)
  • Implement the Ttl method in client. The method should return ttl by the given key
  • More client unit tests