
Tilengine platformer in python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tilengine python platformer

This project aims to teach actual game mechanics using the free, cross-platform Tilengine retro graphics engine under python.



The features implemented so far are:

  • Two layer parallax scrolling
  • Sprite and tileset animations
  • Raster effects for sky gradient color, cloud motion, sea water linescroll and hills movement on a single background layer
  • Basic list of game entities (actors)
  • Three character states: idle, running and jumping
  • Tileset attributes in Tiled editor: type and priority
  • Player/level interaction: the player can jump on platforms, get blocked by walls and pick gems
  • Inertial control and acceleration
  • Slopes
  • Active game entities management
  • Define game entities (enemies, etc) inside tmx object layer and load into a list
  • Enemy behavior and spawn active enemies from loaded entities list
  • Enemies can hurt player and make it bounce
  • Basic sound effects with SDL_Mixer library


This project depends on three external components that must be installed separately:



Each supported platform has its own methods for build or install binaries, please follow method of your own platform.

SDL2 and SDL2_Mixer


SDL2 (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is an open-source, cross-platform library for managing windows, user input, graphics and sound. Both tilengine and this project use SDL2 internally. You must install the runtime binaries into your system.

Windows and OSX:

Download prebuilt binaries here:



Debian-based linux:

Open a terminal window and install directly from package manager:

sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0

SDL2 python binding


You must also install the binding for using SDL2 from python language. From a terminal window type the following command:

pip install pysdl2

Source code organisation

This is a breif overview about modules breakdown in /src directory

Module Role
platformer.py Main module: init and game loop
tilengine.py Tilengine binding for python
raster_effect.py Tilengine raster effects for background
game.py Game backbone, global instances
actor.py Base class for all game entities
player.py Player class
opossum.py Terrestrial enemy class
eagle.py Flying enemy class
score.py Pop-up animation of score class
effect.py Generic one-shot animation class
world.py World/level class
UI.py HUD UI class (score, time...)
rectangle.py Simple helper class for rectangles
sound.py Sound effects manager


Graphic assets are copyrighted and owned by their original authors