

In order to reproduce our static web app the following criterias must be met:

  1. You must have a Microsoft Azure account
  2. The following recource must be purchased
    • Static Web Apps
    • Cognitive Services (subscription key and region noted)
  3. Speech SDK for JavaScript must be obtained (follow instructions here:

In order to create a web application using Microsoft Azure's Static Web App services, refer to the following tutorial:

In order to implement text-dependent speaker verification using Microsoft Azure's Cognitive Services, refer to the following tutorial and follow the JavaScript instructions: The following sample scripts is also a valuable resource:

Explaining the files:

HTML Files
index.html This is the user login page. Index.html is typically the syntax for the "homepage".
BECU_Add_New_User.html In this page, BECU employees enroll new users into our system. Demographic information is written and audio streams are recorded for enrollment.
BECU_Customer_Database.html In this page, BECU employees verify existing users. Security questions are answered and audio streams are recorded for verification.
BECU_System_Dashboard.html In this page, BECU employees can see the overall system performance.
Audio&VerifySpeaker.js Used by the 'BECU_Customer_Database.html' to verify users.
AudioCapture.js Used by the 'BECU_Add_New_User.html' to capture audio streams for enrollment.
EnrollSpeaker.js Used by the 'BECU_Add_New_User.html' to enroll new users into the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service.
functions.js Used by the (1) 'index.html' to login into admin protal, (2) 'BECU_Add_New_User.html' to enter in new user's relevant bank account information, (3) 'BECU_Customer_Database.html' to display customer's profile, perform security questions verification, report voice recognition results, and (4) 'BECU_System_Dashboard.html' to show the system performance, statistics, and activitiy logs.
speech-processor.js Used by the 'EnrollSpeaker.js' and 'Audio&VerifySpeaker.js' for speaker verification.
utils.js Used by all HTML files to (1) send HTTP requests to create, retrieve, and update data to the back-end and (2) use cookies to keep track of user's activity on the website.
BECU_Logo.PNG Used in 'index.html', 'BECU_Add_New_User.html', & 'BECU_Customer_Database.html' in the top left corner.
BECU_Voice_Login_Feature.PNG Used in 'index.html'