
I remember things as pictures, dream about odds and sods in 3D, and I'm utopian. Everyday, I imagine "stuff" that doesn't exist, but, I think, it'd would be cool if they did. Hang out with me to discuss about those :p

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Digital Dreamland

I am an indolent human being, and I kinda like daydreaming, contemplating about all sorts of things. I am eager about exploring the world, not only in the physical form but also along the dimension of time. I'm fascinated by history, as in how our civilization has culturally and technologically evolved over milleniums. In fact, I don't stop at the present but venture beyond, into an imaginary future.

I love dreaming about a utopian world. And, along with it I come up with all sorts of ideas on an almost daily basis — some are silly, while some could be useless if they were for real. I decided to, hereafter, list these down as they occur to me. I think it'd be cool if you, me, or we can realize some of these. Hang out with me for such fun discussions.


  • Code Visualizer: Flow-charts, invocation graphs, fan-out/fan-in, etc.
  • Visual Code Editor: Graphical (non text-based) Interface to write code that transpiles to real text-code.
  • Dynamics Simulator: An interactive environment using a Physics Engine, to simulate and observe high-school Dynamics problems.
  • Data Structures Visualizer: Observe complex data-structures like AVL-trees, Red-Black trees, B-Trees, etc. from a bird's eye view.