
mpENC Multi-Party Encrypted Messaging Protocol Implementation (JavaScript)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

This is an implementation of the Multi-Party Encrypted Messaging Protocol, by MEGA limited, as a JavaScript library. Its main purpose is to be used within a JavaScript web application that provides end-to-end secure group messaging.

THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED IN SECURITY-CRITICAL SITUATIONS. Eventually we want to get there, though, so any and all help reviewing our design and implementation would be appreciated!

In particular, the wire packet format and protocol version number have not been stabilised. The version is currently emitted as 1 on the wire, but we will be making incompatible changes while retaining this numbering. You should not distribute this library in a way that leaves old copies of it lying around on your users' computers, which may not interoperate with newer versions that use the same protocol version. We will actively break such situations and we accept no responsibility if your users suffer because you ignored these basic instructions. Eventually we will commit to a stable wire format that remains backwards- and forwards-compatible within major versions, but now is not yet the right time to do that.


If you are reading this directly from the source repository, you should skip this section. If you are reading this as part of the generated documentation, you should start with one of:

  • API documentation - for clients that wish to use this library in their applications.
  • developer docs - for developers that wish to contribute patches or new features to this library.

Test dependencies

Install PhantomJS 2 (see below) or xvfb + a browser (Firefox or Chrome), or both. Both options work on headless machines such as a CI or build server; xvfb + a browser will pull in more libraries as dependencies than PhantomJS, but will probably run quicker.

If you have installed Firefox extensions on a system-wide basis that interferes with tests (e.g. xul-ext-noscript), you can set PATH="$PWD/contrib:$PATH" to work around that.

To install PhantomJS 2, you have several options:

  • Custom install, for all platforms: npm install phantomjs2-ext. You will need to export PHANTOMJS_BIN="$PWD/node_modules/phantomjs2-ext/bin/phantomjs" before running tests.
  • System install, for Mac OS X: brew install phantomjs
  • System install, for Debian/Ubuntu from around 2015-11: Add this APT repo, then run apt-get update && apt-get install phantomjs. Note that this package misses features from the official package; but it should be enough to run this project's tests with.


To build this library, in the top-level repository directory run:

$ make all

This will download dependencis from npm, run unit tests, build documentation, build a dynamically-linked mpenc.js in the top-level repository directory, a statically-linked mpenc-static.js in build/, and then run some basic tests on both of these to make sure linking worked correctly.

See Makefile for more fine-grained targets to run. One target of interest is test-browser, which keeps the browser open to watch changes you make to the source files, and re-run affected tests automatically.

Both the static- and dynamically-linked forms may be loaded as a AMD module (e.g. with RequireJS), a CommonJS module (e.g. in NodeJS), or directly using a <script> tag in which case the entry point will be made accessible via the global mpenc variable. The difference is that with the dynamic form, you also need to load the other dependencies yourself - see package.json for details.