
I solve leetcode problems and post them here

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LeetCode Problem Solutions

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This repository contains my solutions to various coding problems from LeetCode. LeetCode is a popular online platform for practicing coding skills and preparing for technical interviews. It offers a wide range of algorithm and data structure problems to help programmers enhance their problem-solving abilities.

About LeetCode

LeetCode is a leading platform that provides a collection of coding challenges and interview preparation resources for software engineers, developers, and tech enthusiasts. It offers a diverse set of problems that cover topics such as algorithms, data structures, dynamic programming, and more. LeetCode is widely used by individuals and companies to practice coding, improve problem-solving skills, and prepare for technical interviews.

Repository Contents

This repository includes solutions to various LeetCode problems implemented in different programming languages. Each solution is accompanied by a detailed explanation and analysis of the approach taken to solve the problem efficiently.


The repository is organized into different directories, each representing a specific category or topic of LeetCode problems. Within each directory, you'll find the problem descriptions, code solutions, and any additional notes or explanations.


Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you have a better solution or an alternative approach to any of the problems, feel free to open a pull request. Make sure to follow the existing structure and provide clear explanations for your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.