
Historical data of Team Fortress 2's player count from both Steam and Teamwork.TF


This repo contains the data used for Zesty Jesus' video "TF2: Nobody's Home"


  • steam_api_data.csv
    • Contains TF2's player count as reported by Steam, collected every 5 minutes.
    • Data collected by megascatterbomb.
    • The data contains many instances of successive queries that are identical to each other.
      • These duplicates are caused by Steam caching the result and is not reflective of actual player counts at that time.
      • These duplicates were filtered out in Zesty's analysis.
    • Data contains some gaps due to outages in the bot.
  • teamwork_tf_data.xlsx
    • Contains the number of players in TF2 gameservers as reported by teamwork.tf
    • Historical data accessed via the Wayback Machine.
    • Data manually scraped and compiled by Zesty Jesus.
    • Data contains gaps due to Steam API outages, teamwork.tf outages, or gaps in the Wayback Machine's archives.
  • giftapultnames.xlsx

License: Do whatever you want with this info, Zesty and I don't care.