
H-1B salaries distribution graph

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H-1B salaries distribution graph

Scatterplot of salaries from H-1B cases that have been submitted to Department of Labor in 2013. One point on the plot corresponds to one H-1B case. You can choose one or several companies, one or several job titles (synonyms are supported), and specify salary range. You can share the resulting graph using the automatically generated URL.


The raw CSV data is downloaded and parsed in the browser by the client-side script. All filtering and rendering happens on client-side too.

Website: http://serebryakov.info/h1b/

python3 xls2csv.py raw_data/LCA_FY2013.xlsx csv_data/h1b_2013.csv python3 xls2csv.py raw_data/H-1B_FY14_Q4.xlsx csv_data/h1b_2014.csv python3 xls2csv.py raw_data/H-1B_Disclosure_Data_FY15_Q4.xlsx csv_data/h1b_2015.csv python3 xls2csv.py raw_data/H-1B_Disclosure_Data_FY16.xlsx csv_data/h1b_2016.csv

python3 project_fields.py 2013 csv_data/h1b_2013.csv csv_data/h1b_2013_filtered.csv python3 project_fields.py 2014 csv_data/h1b_2014.csv csv_data/h1b_2014_filtered.csv python3 project_fields.py 2015 csv_data/h1b_2015.csv csv_data/h1b_2015_filtered.csv python3 project_fields.py 2016 csv_data/h1b_2016.csv csv_data/h1b_2016_filtered.csv

rm csv_data/.compressed rm csv_data/.dict python3 compressor.py --dict_path csv_data/h1b_2013-2016 csv_data/h1b_2013_filtered.csv csv_data/h1b_2014_filtered.csv csv_data/h1b_2015_filtered.csv csv_data/h1b_2016_filtered.csv

mv csv_data/.compressed website/data/ mv csv_data/.dict website/data/