
Module Admob for Godot engine

Primary LanguageObjective-C++MIT LicenseMIT


This is the AdMob module for Godot Engine (https://github.com/okamstudio/godot)

  • Android & iOS
  • Banner
  • Interstitial
  • Rewarded Video

How to use


Drop the "admob" directory inside the "modules" directory on the Godot source.

Recompile android export template (For documentation: http://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/reference/compiling_for_android.html#compiling-export-templates).

In Example project goto Export > Target > Android:

	Custom Package:
		- place your apk from build
	Permissions on:
		- Access Network State
		- Internet


Configuring your game


To enable the module on Android, add the path to the module to the "modules" property on the [android] section of your engine.cfg file (Godot 2) or project.godot (Godot 3). It should look like this:


If you have more separate by comma.


Follow the exporting to iOS official documentation.

Godot 2

Just make sure you're using your custom template (compiled in the previous step), for that rename it to "godot_opt.iphone" and replace the file with same name inside the Xcode project.

Godot 3

  • Export your project from Godot, it'll create an Xcode project;
  • Copy the library (.a) you have compiled following the official documentation inside the exported Xcode project. You must override the 'your_project_name.a' file with this file.
  • Copy the GoogleMobileAds.framwork inside the exported Xcode project folder and link it using the "Link Binary with Libraries" option;
  • Add the following frameworks to the project:
    • StoreKit
    • GameKit
    • CoreVideo
    • AdSupport
    • MessageUI
    • CoreTelephony
    • CFNetwork
    • MobileCoreServices

API Reference (Android & iOS)

The following methods are available:

# Init AdMob
# @param bool isReal Show real ad or test ad
# @param int instance_id The instance id from Godot (get_instance_ID())
init(isReal, instance_id)

# Banner Methods
# --------------

# Load Banner Ads (and show inmediatly)
# @param String id The banner unit id
# @param boolean isTop Show the banner on top or bottom
loadBanner(id, isTop)

# Show the banner

# Hide the banner

# Resize the banner (when orientation change for example)

# Get the Banner width
# @return int Banner width

# Get the Banner height
# @return int Banner height

# Callback on ad loaded (Banner)

# Callback on ad network error (Banner)

# Interstitial Methods
# --------------------

# Load Interstitial Ads
# @param String id The interstitial unit id

# Show the interstitial ad

# Callback for interstitial ad fail on load

# Callback for interstitial loaded

# Callback for insterstitial ad close action

# Rewarded Videos Methods
# -----------------------

# Load rewarded videos ads
# @param String id The rewarded video unit id

# Show the rewarded video ad

# Callback for rewarded video ad left application

# Callback for rewarded video ad closed 

# Callback for rewarded video ad failed to load
# @param int errorCode the code of error

# Callback for rewarded video ad loaded

# Callback for rewarded video ad opened

# Callback for rewarded video ad reward user
# @param String currency The reward item description, ex: coin
# @param int amount The reward item amount
_on_rewarded(currency, amount)

# Callback for rewarded video ad started do play


Based on the work of:


MIT license