
🕜 Modern Timeline component for React

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Table of Contents

⚡ Installation

yarn add react-chrono

Getting Started

Please make sure you wrap the component in a container that has a width and height.

When no mode is specified, the component defaults to HORIZONTAL mode. Please check props for all the available options.

  import React from "react"
  import { Chrono } from "react-chrono";
  const Home = () => {
    const items = [{
      title: "May 1940",
      cardTitle: "Dunkirk",
      cardSubtitle:"Men of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) wade out to..",
      cardDetailedText: "Men of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) wade out to..",
      media: {
        type: "IMAGE",
        source: {
          url: "http://someurl/image.jpg"
    }, ...];

    return (
      <div style={{ width: "500px", height: "400px" }}>
        <Chrono items={items} />


🚥Vertical Mode

To render the timeline vertically use the VERTICAL mode

  <div style={{ width: "500px", height: "950px" }}>


🚥Vertical Alternating

In VERTICAL_ALTERNATING mode the timeline is rendered vertically with cards alternating between left and right side.

  <div style={{ width: "500px", height: "950px" }}>



Play the timeline automatically with the slideShow mode. This prop enables the play button on the ui controls.

  <div style={{ width: "500px", height: "950px" }}>


name description default
mode sets the mode of the component. can be HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL or VERTICAL_ALTERNATING HORIZONTAL
items collection of Timeline Item Model. []
disableNavOnKey disables the keyboard navigation. false
slideShow enables the slideshow control. false
slideItemDuration duration (in ms), the timeline card is active during a slideshow. 5000
itemWidth width of the timeline section in HORIZONTAL mode. 300
hideControls hides the navigation controls. 300
allowDynamicUpdate allows timeline items to be updated dynamically. false
cardHeight sets the minimum height of the timeline card. 200
cardWidth sets the maximum width of the timeline card.
scrollable makes the timeline scrollable (applicable for VERTICAL & VERTICAL_ALTERNATING). true
flipLayout flips the layout (RTL). applicable only to VERTICAL and VERTICAL_ALTERNATING false
cardPositionHorizontal positions the card in HORIZONTAL mode. can be either TOP or BOTTOM
theme prop to customize the colors.
onScrollEnd use the onScrollEnd to detect the end of the timeline.
onItemSelected callback invoked on a item selection. passes all of the data pertinent to the item.
useReadMore enables or disables the read more button. when disabled the card will auto expand to fit the content true


react-chrono supports three modes HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL and VERTICAL_ALTERNATING. No additional setting is required.

  <Chrono items={items} mode="HORIZONTAL" />
  <Chrono items={items} mode="VERTICAL" />
  <Chrono items={items} mode="VERTICAL_ALTERNATING" />

Timeline item Model

name description type
title title of the timeline item String
cardTitle title that is displayed on the timeline card String
cardSubtitle text displayed in the timeline card String
cardDetailedText detailed text displayed in the timeline card String or String[]
media media object to set image or video. Object
  title: "May 1940",
  cardTitle: "Dunkirk",
    "Men of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) wade out to a destroyer during the evacuation from Dunkirk.",
  cardDetailedText: ["paragraph1", "paragraph2"],

if you have a large text to display(via cardDetailedText) and want to split the text into paragraphs, you can pass an array of strings.

each array entry will be created as a paragraph inside the timeline card.

⌨Keyboard Navigation

The timeline can be navigated via keyboard.

  • For HORIZONTAL mode use your LEFT RIGHT arrow keys for navigation.
  • For VERTICAL or VERTICAL_ALTERNATING mode, the timeline can be navigated via the UP DOWN arrow keys.
  • To easily jump to the first item or the last item in the timeline, use HOME or END keys.

To disable keyboard navigation set disableNavOnKey to true.

<Chrono items={items} disableNavOnKey />


With the scrollable prop, you can enable scrolling on both VERTICAL and VERTICAL_ALTERNATING modes.

  <Chrono items={items} scrollable />

The scrollbar is not shown by default. To enable the scrollbar, pass an object with prop scrollbar to scrollable prop.

  <Chrono items={items} scrollable={{scrollbar: true}} />


Both images and videos can be embedded in the timeline.

Just add the media attribute to the Timeline Item model and the component will take care of the rest.

To embed a image
  title: "May 1940",
  cardTitle: "Dunkirk",
  media: {
    name: "dunkirk beach",
    source: {
      url: "http://someurl/image.jpg"
    type: "IMAGE"
To embed a video

Videos start playing automatically when active and will be automatically paused when not active.

Like images, videos are also automatically hidden when not in the visible viewport of the container.

  title: "7 December 1941",
  cardTitle: "Pearl Harbor",
  media: {
    source: {
      url: "/pearl-harbor.mp4",
      type: "mp4"
    type: "VIDEO",
    name: "Pearl Harbor"

To embed YouTube videos, use the right embed url.

  title: "7 December 1941",
  cardTitle: "Pearl Harbor",
  media: {
    source: {
      url: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/f6cz9gtMTeI",
      type: "mp4"
    type: "VIDEO",
    name: "Pearl Harbor"


🛠Rendering custom content

The component also supports embedding custom content in the Timeline cards.

To insert custom content, just pass the blocked elements between the Chrono tags.

For e.g the below snippet will create 2 timeline items. Each div element is automatically converted into a timeline item and inserted into the timeline card. The items collection is completely optional and custom rendering is supported on all 3 modes.

  <Chrono mode="VERTICAL">
      <p>Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum</p>
      <img src="<url to  a nice image" />

The items collection will also work nicely with any custom content that is passed.

The following snippet sets the the title and cardTitle for the custom contents.

  const items = [
    {title: "Timeline title 1", cardTitle:  "Card Title 1"},
    {title: "Timeline title 2", cardTitle:  "Card Title 2"}

  <Chrono mode="VERTICAL" items={items}>
      <p>Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum</p>
      <img src="<url to  a nice image" />

🎭Custom icons for the Timeline

To use custom icons in the timeline, pass in the collection of images between the chrono tags wrapped in a container.

The icons are sequentially set (i.e) the first image you pass will be used as the icon for the first timeline item and so on.

Please make sure to pass in the image collection inside a container with a special className chrono-icons. This convention is mandatory as the component uses this class name to pick the images.

 <Chrono items={items} mode="VERTICAL_ALTERNATING">
   <div className="chrono-icons">
     <img src="image1.svg" alt="image1" />
     <img src="image2.svg" alt="image2" />

custom icons also works if you are rendering custom content inside the cards.

  <Chrono mode="VERTICAL" items={items}>
      <p>Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum</p>
      <img src="<url to  a nice image" />
    <div className="chrono-icons">
      <img src="image1.svg" alt="image1" />
      <img src="image2.svg" alt="image2" />

Slideshow mode

Slideshow can be enabled by setting the slideShow prop to true. You can also set an optional slideItemDuration that sets the time delay between cards.

setting this prop enables the play button in the timeline control panel.

<Chrono items={items} slideShow slideItemDuration={4500} />

Item Width

The itemWidth prop can be used to set the width of each individual timeline sections. This setting is applicable only for the HORIZONTAL mode.


Customize colors with the theme prop.

    primary: "red",
    secondary: "blue",
    cardBgColor: "yellow",
    cardForeColor: "violet",
    titleColor: "red"

📦CodeSandbox Examples


Deep dive into wide variety of examples hosted as a Storybook.

🔨Build Setup

# install dependencies
yarn install

# start dev setup
yarn run start

# run css linting
yarn run lint:css

# eslint
yarn run eslint

# prettier
yarn run lint

# package lib
yarn run rollup


  # run unit tests
  yarn run test

  # run cypress tests
  yarn run cypress:test


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

🧱Built with


Huge thanks to BrowserStack for the Open Source License!

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

Prabhu Murthy – @prabhumurthy2prabhu.m.murthy@gmail.com https://github.com/prabhuignoto

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Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):





Alexandre Girard




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!