About me
👋 Introduction
Hi, I’m Jakub Šindelář from Czech Republic.
👀 Interests
I’m interested in all kind of technologies.
I love playing around with:
- PowerShell - this is what I do most. Check out my gists to see some of my stuff.
- Linux
- Windows
- Android
- IoT devices (Arduino, Raspberry, other smaller chips)
- 3D printers
- .NET core
- Javascript (and frameworks like Vue, Quasar, Express)
- Docker
- CI/CD (Github/Azure DevOps)
- Unity
- Games - both playing and making
- Rust (Very rusty)
🌱 Learning
All I do is learning. Every single day. I learn by working. I work by learning. I learn by playing. I play by learning.
💞️ Collaborate
I wish to collaborate on anything really. Just want to try out what is it like to do something as team.
📫 Contact
You can contact me via various sources, linked from most used to least:
- Reddit: https://reddit.com/user/megastary/
- Discord: Megastary#0001
- E-mail: jakub@disketa.eu
- Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/megastary/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jakub-%C5%A1indel%C3%A1%C5%99-66631a137/
🎡 Interests
Here is list of interesting repos I either create, collaborate on or just like it and want to keep it for future use.
Name | Description |
megastary's gists | My gists. Mostly solutions to coding challenges or PowerShell scripts. |
Lazy Admin | Project I have spent most of the time and gave it lot of ♥. Universal GUI for PowerShell scripts. |