
A python package that make tensorflow be able to read "Kaldi" scp/ark in an elegant way. May kaldi user happy to enter tensorflow world.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

What is tf_kaldi_io?

A python package: provide a custom tensorflow dataset for kaldi io

Python is its wrapper, C++ is its backend implemention. It depends on two things:

Through kaldi-io lib, it is able to:

  • direct read from kaldi rspecifier(scp, ark, in text or binary, just as kaldi)
  • support multiple feature transforms:
    • delta
    • cmvn
    • splice
    • sampling
  • compute fast: kaldi Matrix|Vector with blas math lib is used

Through tensorflow dataset, it is able to:

  • shuffling
  • batching at frame or utt level
  • bucketing with input sequence lengths
  • and all other tensorflow native dataset manipulations and features (parellel, prefetch, ..)


import tensorflow as tf
from tf_kaldi_io import KaldiDataset

with tf.Session() as sess:
    kaldi_dataset = KaldiDataset(input_rspecifier="ark:test/data/feats.ark",
                                 batch_size=2, batch_mode="utt", # batch_mode="frame",
                                 # delta_order=2,
                                 # norm_means=True, norm_vars=True, global_cmvn_file="test/data/global.cmvn"
                                 # left_context=1, right_context=1,
                                 # num_downsample=2, offset=0,

    iterator = tf.data.Iterator.from_structure(

    next_element = iterator.get_next()
    # next_element: 
    #	in utt mode: (utt_keys, inputs, input_lengths, [targets, target_lengths])
    #   in frame mode: (inputs, [targets])

    iterator_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(kaldi_dataset.dataset)


      while True:
    except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:


1. requirements

  • tensorflow >= 1.4
  • kaldi-io lib requments
    • kaldi-io lib is compiled automatically in pip install, it requires blas math lib installed already.
      • recommendation: use conda python env, and conda install mkl
      • ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libatlas3-base

2. install

# install from pypi
pip install tf_kaldi_io # it may take a minute, as it compiles kaldi-io lib
# or install from local, then you can run test*.py in test dir
git clone https://github.com/open-speech/tf_kaldi_io.git
cd tf_kaldi_io
pip install .

3. test

cd test
python test_tf_kaldi_dataset.py # test KaldiDataset: a python class wrapper of custom dataset
python test_tf_kaldi_io.py # test custom dataset: KaldiReaderDataset


  • inputs is kaldi feature storage format, target is kaldi alignments format(int-vector).
  • Only input_rspecifier is required argument, others are optional or have default values(see in tf_kaldi_io.py).
  • If use num_downsample in utt mode: just the inputs get sampling, the target will not. It's sensible for sequence traing(CTC).
  • There are many tf kaldi io implementions, but with one or more defects:
    • just python - io itself is slow.
    • sequential with training - have to wait io done.
    • just kaldi ark in text or binary - text is big, binary is unreadable.
    • no transformations support - you need prepare many feature varieties for one task.
    • no way to become tensorflow native io(dataset) - no parallel, prefetch, shuffle, bucket, ...
    • depend on TFRecodes(protobuf) - unnecessary(need convert to it then to tensor), and protobuf is a nightmare(version incompatible) everytime we meet.
    • all of above disappointments make tf_kaldi_io appear.


  • support TFRecord files as output
  • examples of making use of tf_kaldi_io to train a TF model. Will be in another repo.