
Canvas Apps of environment not visible in the PowerApps Helper Extension

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi @megel ,

I am trying to access the source code of my Power Apps using VS Code using the PowerApps Helper extension. However, under the environment I'm working on I am not able to visualise my application. I am able to view the custom connectors but the flows and the canvas apps are not visible.

I was able to download the source code and open in VS Code using these steps: Tutorial Link. I want to use the Helper to push the source code back to PowerApps. I have been following your tutorial to do so However my Canvas Apps are not visible in my environment.

Kindly help me to access my apps using the Helper.

Thank you.

megel commented

@aagarwallaMS sorry for my delay, I was a little bit busy last month with family stuff.

Ok, to wrap up:

  • you have an PowerApp in your Dataverse environment
  • you do not see this PowerApp (CanvasApp) in PowerApps Helper tree view
  • you have downloaded and unpacked your canvas app with PASopa.exe
  • you have packed canvas app with PowerApps Helper to an msapp-file
  • you import your Power App manually and do not see the result in Power App Designer

Is this right?

Hi @megel,

I'm using your extension in VS Code and I have issues in displaying all the Canvas Apps I have create in 2 different environments. Some of the apps are displayed properly and I can download and unpack them, but others are not and I'm trying many times to refresh the list and no chance to pull the last published apps. Is it there a reason why not all the apps are identified in my tenant?

The Output look ok, without errors
GET ... HTTP/1.1 200 OK
GET$expand=unpublishedAppDefinition ... HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Thank you for your effort! It is a great idea to have an extension like this, but unfortunately it doesn't work all the time.

megel commented

@tudor-it it's hard to identify the problem.

Let's check if there any caching problems. Please restart VS Code completely and check again. If your apps are now visible - I need to look into refreshing / caching and will fix the issue.

If this doesn't work. Please try to use Postman or the RESTClient Extension and repeat this 2 APIs calls.

First of all, you need a bearer token. For this you can use this PowerShell command:

Get-JwtToken -Audience ""

After authentication, copy your bearer token and use it for your web request as follows (REST CLient HTTP snippet):

# Variable containing my Bearer Token:
@bearer =

### Get Environments
Authorization: Bearer {{bearer}}

### Get PowerApps
Authorization: Bearer {{bearer}}

Please confirm, that your PowerApp is part of the "Get PowerApps" call.