
🍕 wild toppings on pizza

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This app was built for Flatiron school as the module 4 Javascript and Ruby on Rails project. It is a single page application that uses Ruby on Rails for teh backend and Javascript for the frontend.


WildToppings is an app for pizza lovers to keep track of all the wild pizza's they've eaten! The pizza lover can create a pizza with a name & description, and edit the name & description. The pizza lover can also add toppings to pizzas and delete those toppings.


Backends repo: https://github.com/megfly/wildtoppings_backend

-Fork and clone -CD into wildtoppings_backend -bundle install -rails db:migrate -rails s -then CD into wildtoppings_frontend -open index.html

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License: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT