12 sep 2023
- we don't hv to put autogenrated files or folders on git.
- e.g. 1) node modules 2) dist 3) parcel-cache
- npm: npm repository contains all the packages
- package.json is configuration for all the npm packages.
- ^ in package.json upgrades minor version change in pkg.
- ~ will install major version
- always putting ^ is safe, if upgrade major version so many things in app can break.
- npm install -D parcel
- -D represents install as dev dependancy
- package.lock.json: keeps exact version of each dependancy.
- integrity in lock files is use to keep exact version hash for production.
15 sep 2023
- using cdn links for react is not good way, becoz it will make network call, and if react version changes we need to update the cdn links.
- better way to use react by installing it
- when we install react it is added to node modules.
- import React from 'react' , react is located in node modules.
local server
Creates Dev
Caching -faster builds
image optimization
Hot Module Replacement
Poduction build takes more time than dev build due to more optimisation.
Production build command : npx parcel build index.html (u may get error for main:App.js in package.json )
we should put /dist and parcel-cache folde rin .gitignore , it can be generated on server.
Browserslist is npm package , by which we can make our work on different version of different browsers.
with this we hv created app like create-react-app without using it.
26 sep 2023 React.createElement => Js Object => HtmlElement(by render method). JSX => React.createElement(Babel transpiles code to understand javascript engine) => Js. Object => HtmlElement use camelCase for jsx attributes. if want to write multiple line jsx use (). use{} to put any js code inside JSX.
27 sep 2023
- react prevent cross scripting attacts
28 sep 2023
- Props
- as component is normal javascript function, proprs are arguments passed to function.
- props passed to component are bind into object called "props".
- when u want to pass some dynamic data to component u should use "props".