
A simple single-player memory card game programmed in JavaScript and React with Redux as state container

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build, test and deploy

    git clone https://github.com/LarsBergqvist/react-redux-memory-game
    cd react-redux-memory-game
    yarn install
    yarn start

Try it out live here: https://larsbergqvist.github.io/react-redux-memory-game/

This is a rewrite of https://github.com/LarsBergqvist/react-memory-simple that uses Redux as a state container for the application instead of using the states within the React components

Browse to http://localhost:3000/react-redux-memory-game

Click the cards to flip to images

Alt text

The infrastructure for this project was created with create-react-app

The photos in the thumbnail cards (C) Lars Bergqvist