
A sample repository of docker images

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Docker for DataScience

This a file is a consolidation of docker command and notes sourced form the community. Reference can be found at the bottom of page.

Image Management

The following commands ares use for basis image management using docker.

# Pull down two docker images
docker pull debian
docker pull mysql/mysql-server

# View  images
docker images

# Remove all dangling images, volumes, and networks not associated  with a container
docker system prune

# Remove all unused images, volumes, and networks not associated  with a container
docker system prune -a

# View images (the results of the pruning)
docker images

# Remove one image
docker rmi debian
docker rmi mysql/mysql-server

# Remove multiple image
docker rmi debian mysql/mysql-server

The Basics

The the most vanilla commands in docker to start, stop, an attached to your docker containers.

# Stop docker container
docker stop tommy

# Start docker container
docker start tommy

# Reattached to started docker container
docker attach tommy

Container Management

How to add, remove, and manage your docker containers

# View active docker containers
docker ps

# View all docker containers
docker ps -a

# Remove a docker container
docker rm tommy

# Remove more than one docker containe
docker rm tommy jeremy

Saving and Loading Containers

Exporting your docker image and container and getting it ready for deployment

# Save container's image
docker export debian > debian_save.tar

# Save container data
docker export tommy  > tommy_export.tar

# Remove the activate container
docker stop tommy
docker rm tommy

# load image
docker load < debian_save.tar

# Import image data (with a new tag)
cat tommy_export.tar | docker import - debian:new

docker run --name douglas -it debian:new /bin/bash

Docker Images Shortcuts

# Start a Linux Debian server
docker run --name tommy -it debian /bin/bash

# Start MYSQL database via docker
docker run -p 3306:3306 --name robert -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:5.7 --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password

# Start an Apache Airflow Server via docker
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e LOAD_EX=y puckel/docker-airflow

# Start Apache Spark/Py Spark via docker
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 -v $PWD:/home/jovyan/work --name spark jupyter/pyspark-notebook

File Transfer

The file transfer must be done from the host computer.

# Transfer file from host compute into docker container
# docker cp [Source] [Destination]
docker cp /Users/kavi/Desktop/test_image.png tommy:/root/

# Transfer an entire directory from our host machine to the docker container
docker cp ~/SSL  tommy:/root/SSL

Stop, Start, and Attach to a container

# Stop the container
docker stop basic_container

# Start the container
docker start basic_container

# connect to the container
docker attach basic_container

Stop & Remove docker containers

# Stop all Containers
docker kill $(docker ps -q)

# Remove all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

# Remove all docker images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)


The link below contain further reading on source references and documentation from the community on how to best use docker.