
A repository for ITL Mini Project using Django app.

Primary LanguagePython

Project Title: CSE Department Announcements Dashboard


  • The CSE Department Announcements Dashboard project aims to enhance information dissemination within the Computer Science department through a centralized web platform.

Problem Statement:

  • Traditional communication channels (notice boards, emails, informal channels) in the department lack efficiency, leading to information gaps and missed opportunities.
  • Absence of a centralized, visually organized platform results in information overload, oversight of critical updates, and difficulties in accessing historical data.


  • Developed a comprehensive web dashboard using Django, HTML/CSS, SQLite3, and JavaScript.
  • Django provided robust session management, user authentication, and ORM for database interactions.
  • HTML/CSS created a visually appealing and well-structured interface, leveraging Bootstrap for responsiveness.
  • SQLite3 served as the lightweight database engine for user data storage.
  • JavaScript added dynamic functionality, enabling real-time updates and asynchronous form handling.


  1. Role-based Access: Differentiates between student and teacher roles, providing tailored views.
  2. Announcements: Displays important announcements in a visually organized manner.
  3. Notes: Stores and presents course-related notes for easy access.
  4. Grades: Provides a platform for viewing and tracking student grades.
  5. Interactive Interface: Real-time updates and seamless navigation for enhanced user experience.

How to Use:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install required dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Configure database settings in settings.py.
  4. Run the server using python manage.py runserver.
  5. Access the dashboard through a web browser at http://localhost:8000.