Resources for learning more for various ML concepts to supplement my ML elective lectures @ Hochschule Darmstadt (Summer Term 2020)
Preliminary ML Learning Material
Final Project: presentation during week of 17 July
An Overview of Deep Learning for Curious People (by Lilian Weng from OpenAI)
3Blue1Brown Neural networks videos with excellent visualizations
Machine Learning for Everyone: Longform overview blogpost with nice graphics
Michael Nielsen's Neural Networks and Deep Learning E-Book
RNNs: Overview & Remembering What's Important
Understanding LSTM networks by Chris Olah
Unreasonable Effectiveness of RNNs
Google Machine Learning Interactive Course: Problem Framing
Powered by TensorFlow YouTube Playlist Playlist of inspiring use cases of TensorFlow for idea generation for your projects
Machine Learning Yearning Free Short Book/Guide to Structuring ML Projects
Blog Post (Oct 2018): "The Best Public Datasets for Machine Learning and Data Science"
Google Machine Learning Interactive Course: Data Preparation
TensorFlow Official Tutorials TensorFlow JavaScript Demos
Seedbank: Collection of Interactive ML Examples (by Google Research)