
Ideas for tools that would help the end-to-end process for integrating machine learning models into iOS apps


Ideas for tools that would help the end-to-end process for integrating machine learning models into iOS apps

  • Swift scripting for data augmentation techniques
  • Converting tensor flow model to core ml, integrating all parts of process (inspecting network, etc)
  • Setting up tensor flow environment (python virtual env, dependencies & dependency version control, better error output)
  • Evaluation tool for if tensor flow layers used will be supported in coreml
  • Checking data input/output and inferring conversion parameters (e.g. via code generation)
  • Better debugging at earliest stage
  • Sanity checking metadata for conversion (e.g. with typing)
  • Preparing datasets for use with tensorflow
  • Hosting core ml models
  • Evaluating performance metrics for core ml models on device
  • Resources for iOS for machine learning (Meghan should aggregate the ones she has to start)