New Relic Sysmond

This role installs New Relic's sysmond service and ensure its up and running.


To use this role you have to have an active New Relic license. Pass this in to newrelic_sysmond_license_key

Role Variables

A valid 40-character license key is required in order for Servers for Linux to start.


Number of seconds Servers for Linux waits before its first attempt to contact New Relic. newrelic_sysmond_timeout: "30"

Sets the hostname of the server as it appears in New Relic.

newrelic_sysmond_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

Names and values for categories that will be applied to the data sent from this agent. Example format - Server:One;


Sets the level of detail for messages sent.

newrelic_sysmond_loglevel: "info"

Sets the name of the log file to use.

newrelic_sysmond_logfile: "/var/log/newrelic/nrsysmond.log"

Sets the name of the file the daemon uses to record its process ID (pid).

newrelic_sysmond_pidfile: "/var/run/newrelic/"

Sets the hostname of the New Relic collector.

newrelic_sysmond_collector_host: ""

Proxy settings to reach New Relic Format - user:password@hostname:port


Use secure connection or not

newrelic_sysmond_ssl: "true"

Sets the location of a file containing CA certificates in PEM format.


Sets the location of a directory containing trusted CA certificates in PEM format.


Include NFS filesystems for disk monitoring.

newrelic_sysmond_disable_nfs: "true"

Include Docker monitoring.

newrelic_sysmond_disable_docker: "true"

How to connect to the local host's Docker API service.


Default location to look for the certificate, key and CA certificate for using TLS.


Set the name of the certificate file to use for TLS to connect to the Docker API.


Set the name of the key file to use for TLS to connect to the Docker API.


Set the name of the CA certificate file to use for TLS to connect to the Docker API.


Use https for yum repositories

newrelic_yum_https: true

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: ansible-role-newrelic-sysmond, newrelic_sysmond_license_key: 'UKYNCLPMI54A6C9J1T6BINKAKQ2CMPTVAXU5L64P' }
