Take a look at presentation http://slides.com/dieterpisarewski/newsfilter
Newsfilter app requires ruby 2.1.1. So you have to install it.
# OS X(Homebrew) installation
brew install postgresql
# Debian installation
apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client
Some ruby gems require C/C++ compiler or native libraries. Please install a C/C++ compiler for your operating system. To install native extensions for gems please refer to their documentation for installation instructions.
# run bundler to install all required gems
# create a database.yml
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
# start postgres
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
# create all needed databases
rake db:create:all
# create needed extensions (uuid-ossp)
psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"' news_filter_app_development
# run all migrations
rake db:migrate
# kill postgres with STRG+C
rails r "User.create(email: 'demo@example.com', password: 'your_password', password_confirmation: 'your_password')"
# create your Procfile.local
cp Procfile.local.example Procfile.local
# run all needed services (stop the foreman with STRG+C)
foreman start -f Procfile.local
# open the application in the browser
open http://localhost:3000
# run all specs
Run rake task periodically to fetch new articles from feeds.
# run rake task
rake newsfilter:rss_article:create