
Measure and analyze child and adult coarticulation in Quechua via mel frequency spectra

Primary LanguageTeX


Measure and analyze child and adult coarticulatory patterns via mel frequency spectra. Repo contains scripts and data necessary to replicate analyses in Cychosz (submitted). (https://psyarxiv.com/26uyb)

Acoustic measures

get_mel_spec_bythirds.py - option to compute coarticulation spectrally (spectral distance) by taking spectra from middle third of two adjacent phones and computing average spectrum from each phone; also computes phone and word duration; generates filename+mel_spectrum.csv which can be read into R for post-processing

To execute this script:

  1. In terminal, move inside of corpus directory that contains .wav and .TextGrid files with corresponding names
cd specify/directory/location/corpus_directory
  1. Run script over entire directory
 python3 specify/file/location/get_mel_spec_bythirds.py walk

Data analysis

1_rename_participants.R - gives participants anonymous IDs; not included in repo as it contains deanonymized participant information; generates thirds_CV.anonymized.csv

2_map_words_modified.R - reads in thirds_CV.anonymized.csv; selects word environments; calculates Euclidean distance between spectral vectors; modified version that does not include deanonymized participant information is included in repo; generates mapped_words_anonymized.csv

3_ch3_results.Rmd - reads in mapped_words_anonymized.csv; generates Results section of paper


3_ch3_results.pdf - compiled results section from 3_ch3_results.Rmd

3_ch3_results.tex - tex source of results section from 3_ch3_results.Rmd

Quechua_coartic_manuscript.pdf - compiled paper, including Results section

Quechua_coartic_manuscript_source.tex - tex source of Quechua_coartic_manuscript.pdf

3_ch3_results_files/ - directory containing figures generated by 3_ch3_results.Rmd


thirds_CV.anonymized - dataframe generated by 1_rename_participants.R

mapped_words_anonymized.csv - dataframe generated 2_map_words_modified.R; required to compile 3_ch3_results.Rmd (Results)

Additional code in this repo

coartic_as_transition.py - option to compute coarticulation temporally (more dynamic); one technique used to measure coarticulation in Cychosz et al. (2019)

get_mel_spec.py - option to compute coarticulation spectrally (spectral distance); one technique used to measure coarticulation in Cychosz et al. (2019)


Cychosz, M. (submitted). Word structure in early Quechua speech: Coarticulation and inflectional morphology. (https://psyarxiv.com/26uyb)

Cychosz, M., Edwards, J., Munson, B., & Johnson, K. (2019). Spectral and temporal measures of coarticulation in child speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America-Express Letters, 146(6), EL516-EL522.