
Code to replicate results in "Auditory feedback experience in phonetic development"

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Code to replicate results in "Auditory feedback experience in phonetic development"

Measurement code

get_mel_spec.py - code to compute coarticulation using Mel Frequency spectra

Analysis code

1_match_participants.Rmd - code to match participants by chronological/hearing age, maternal ed, and gender

2a_feedback_coartic_results.Rmd - code to replicate main results and modeling in paper

3_appendices.Rmd - code to replicate appendices


CI_feedback_R1.pdf - most recent submitted manuscript


Cychosz, M. Munson, B., Newman, R., & Edwards, J. (under review). Auditory feedback experience in the development of phonetic production: Evidence from preschoolers with cochlear implants and their normal-hearing peers. pre-print