
Repo contains scripts and data necessary to replicate analyses in:

Cychosz, M., Munson, B., & Edwards, J. (accepted). Practice and experience predict coarticulation in child speech. Language Learning and Development. (

Acoustic measures - example script to calculate Mel spectral vectors for each consonant and vowel, CV sequence duration, and word duration for nonwords; generates nwr_mfcc_complete.csv for further processing

Data preparation/analysis

1a-get_repetition_scores.R - combines dataframes from two sets of acoustic measures (rwr_mfcc_complete.csv and nwr_mfcc_complete.csv); generates repetition accuracy scores on the basis of consonant manner, prosody, etc.

1b-get_repetition_scores_partII.R - finishes 1a-get_repetition_scores.R and generates dataframe with acoustic measures and repetition scores; generates repetition_scores_mfcc.csv

2-match_words.R - select repetitions that were 100% correct from repetition_scores_mfcc.csv and generates final_mfcc_scores.csv

3-map_vocab_scores.R - reads in final_mfcc_scores.csv and vocab_scores.csv and merges the dataframes; generates final_mfccs_w_vocab.csv

4-model_coartic.R - reads in final_mfccs_w_vocab.csv to process spectral vectors data and calculate Euclidean distance; modeling and figures for paper


coartic_experience_accepted.pdf - compiled paper

coartic_experience_accepted.tex - tex source of coartic_experience_accepted.pdf


phono_prbability.csv - phonotactic transition probabilities between CV sequence and first C of second syllable

rwr_mfcc_complete.csv - acoustic measures (spectral vectors, word and phone duration) for each C and V in the real words

nwr_mfcc_complete.csv - acoustic measures (spectral vectors, word and phone duration) for each C and V in the nonwords

repetition_scores_mfcc.csv - dataframe with acoustic measures and repetition scores from word repetition task

final_mfcc_scores.csv - dataframe with 100% correct repetitions and acoustic measures

vocab_scores.csv - dataframe with vocabulary scores, LENA measures, and (limited) participant demographic information

final_mfccs_w_vocab.csv - dataframe of 100% correct repetitons with acoustic measures, vocabulary scores, LENA measures, and demographic information